Sunday, December 30, 2007

Errors and Contradictions in the written text...

If you don't follow the flaws, how could you ever understand the right path to be on, you would stand upon two broken pillars, the contradictions will cause you to fall.

And so the walls of the Church are about to crash as the roof rafters are no longer to be supported on crumbling walls built on false foundations.

Would GOD support a contradiction?

Would a person lie to gain wealth?
Would a person lie to abuse another person?
Would a person lie to cover up a sin committed?

The tRuTh will set you free, but the lies will be seen for the contradictions that they are and how they fail to be supported against the test of tRuTh. What is the test of tRuTh? Love is tRuTh and tRuTh displays Love. All things are obediant to the tRuTh of True Love.

Love does not destroy, so let's look for some contradictions that prove people are trying to control other people.

Consider first these two principles,

1. I don't believe in Satan, or the works of the Devil, I believe that people should be accountable for their own actions.

2. Destruction is equal to killing and the lies that reveal contradictions do destroy others and both the lies and the destruction of others are sins that must be avoided. This does not mean that discipline is forbidden, it means that innnocent people should not be punished or destroyed. Guilty abusers, bullies certainly should be held accountable for their behavior and reparations should be made these criminals should repay and pay for the damage that they committed.

Mathew 20:28 Just as the son of man did not come to serve but to serve, (And that is where the passage should end instead this is added,) and to give his life as a ransom for many... How do I know that this is added text? look at the sentence structure, think about the message, that through the Death of Jesus many will be saved, and yet there are many passages and parables that speak of how we are to repent for our sins. This little addition nullifies the previous teachings. This is a complete contradiction to the heart of justice and love of GOD.

You be the judge, do I write the tRuTh or did the person that inserted text into the book of Mathew write the tRuTh? Certainly Jesus knew that he was to be punished by the leaders the pharisees and scribes would see that the government would apply the most harsh form of punishment for his speaking out against all of them, Jesus was not dumb.

The idea is that we are to be like Jesus in knowing and speaking the tRuTh, to share our love with others, this means we tell the tRuTh and help others.

Sent from my heart,
With Kindest Regards

Saturday, December 29, 2007

To Love to be whole two gather together as one...

To Love to read, to love to write
To honor another with words
To communicate and understand
To know the good and the bad
To share
Both joy and sorrow
To Love

One gives to the other all that they are together they are one...

In tRuTh to obey provides great reward and hapiness

The Prophet Jesus said according to Mathew 13:57 "Only in his hometown and in his own house is a prophet without honor." Speaking of how Jesus was treated both at home and in his hometown, who in the house of this prophet could deny his power? Who would try? Who would criticize one to whom the leaders of the world would feel threatened by. Who would deny the tRuTh?

1 Corinthians 13:6 "LOve does not delight in evil but rejoices with the tRuTh."

The tRuTh will set you free, to love completely, to know and to understand, to be able to communicate to read and write one to the other, in Love and with Love.

Peace be with you,

Kindest Regards

It is Amazing the Grace that many believe they have been given

For GOD to forgive with out any sign from the sinner to make worthy they that are criminals, violating the innocent and persecuting victims, the bullies have created a means to twist good into bad and convict by stripping away any defense and falsely accusing others while the enemies of truth lie, betraying society a whole host of guilty people would become legion, spinning vile words out of pure testimony making evil deeds acceptable from the pulpit to the bench the Church to the Court. Justice is out of balance and our world is running head long into a downward spiral as we continue to love the lies of the liars allowing the terrorists to lead our countries into a path of corruption.

Hurting others, have you hurt another, have you seperated the good from his family? Have you been a participant in destroying our society?

If you can't read the one you love you really don't love the one who has provided the words for you to read, and yet you refuse to understand.

Here I stand...

Innocent convicted like a criminal and the liars are free to lie again.

I'm going to take this final stand, right where I am...

Here I stand...

Ready to convict the criminals that lied to defame the innocent, I'm going to try to make you understand, that here I stand...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The story of the Babe Jesus the Christ born in a manger.

For unto you is born a babe to teach the way that we are to be cleansed from sin, he would be crucified as the last sacrifice yet the cycle of victims sacrificed for lies would continue as many would follow in the path of Jesus the Christ to be violated by people who lie to convict the innocent.

Blood spilled to please the god of deception, lives and families torn apart for the lies of wicked hearts.

Twisted, controlling minds that demand the hands of the innocent be tied, the voices of the innocent be silenced, manipulitive freeks that work in secret against the good, exposing corruption hidden in high places.

By studying the teachings of Jesus we know where to look for the corruption in his society and ours.

Nothing has changed in two thousand years.

The tRuTh is still the key.

Know the tRuTh and know Love,

Know True Love and know the tRuTh,

Monday, December 24, 2007

Do you believe in the magic, myths, and fantasies, the lies of society?

Do you believe in reality and the tRuTh?

Do you believe in Satan above, over and beyond GOD?

The teachings of lies in preaching and song reinforce the flaws in our society, if we allow others to believe in false premises built on flawed foundations such as the birth of Jesus the Christ or his death for salvation. If we fail to employ the teachings for forgiveness we have nothing in life and love our existence is meaningless if we do not know and love the tRuTh.

Jesus the Christ taught us to Love the tRuTh to help others and to tell the tRuTh and yet many innocent people are violated by lies that could easily be exposed.

Where is your heart this Christmas evening?

Do you love GOD and the tRuTh?

Do you love the lies and deceptions?

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Jesus Christ the Light of Love in and of tRuTh

Jesus son of Mary created out of wedlock born to Mary and Joseph the carpenter. Worshipped by many as, the man son of GOD, crucified and worshipped as the salvation through his death, the grace of GOD is provided for your forgiveness of your sins.

In tRuTh Jesus was a teacher and a preacher, and we are told how to obtain forgiveness from others when we have sinned. We are to know the teachings of Jesus to prove that we know the Love that is true.

True Love will always be true.

From the beginning of the book to the beginning of the life of Jesus Christ we find errors and flaws, to the end of the book and of his life we find many people worshipping in false structures. There are many books that reveal the tRuTh of history and his story of Love, the Love of GOD and others that have been recorded in tRuTh and the biggest lie ever created and told was that of a dark power to rule over our Earth the darkness is not so great that our Love can not overcome and expose the corruption that is permitted and sometimes encouraged.

For those that think they can hide in the dark, the light is about to shine brightly exposing all things to be judged.

The Light of Love,
The story of old,
The tRuTh told,

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Justice is GOD's Love not revenge

GOD Loves Justice not Revenge.

What is this all about?

Simple let's define justice and revenge from the Webster's New World Dictionary and Thesaurus.


1 the quality of being righteous; rectitude
2 impartiality; fairness
3 the quality of being right or correct
4 sound reason; rightfulness; validity
5 reward or penalty as deserved; just deserts
6 (a) the use of authority and power to uphold what is right, just, or lawful
(b) [J-] the personification of this, usually a blindfolded goddess holding scales and a sword
7 the administration of law; procedure of a law court

bring to justice to cause (a wrongdoer) to be tried in court and duly punished.

do justice to
1 to treat fitly or fairly
2 to treat with due appreciation; enjoy properly

do oneself justice
1 to do something in a manner worthy of one‘s ability
2 to be fair to oneself

Now lets look at the definition of the word Revenge


1 to inflict damage, injury, or punishment in return for (an injury, insult, etc.); retaliate for
2 to take vengeance in behalf of (a person, oneself, etc.); avenge

[Obs.] to take vengeance

1 the act of revenging; vengeance
2 what is done in revenging
3 desire to take vengeance; vindictive spirit
4 a chance to retaliate or get satisfaction, as by a return match after a defeat

be revenged to get revenge


These two words are quite different, and should not be interchanged in defining a person's intent and motive to do one as to seek justice is not about being vindictive in an attempt to exact justice many people have been and continue to be accused of seeking revenge and that is the way another victim can be violated by society and social systems.

To exact justice has nothing to do with revenge it is simply to allow the truth to be exposed and to set right the wrongs that are created by impure thoughts and deeds. If a lie is told and a false report is filed and this is supported in court the victim could easily be violated and this violation can extend beyond the boundaries of just the court. All of the associations of the victim could be affected from: friends, to family, from theological structures, to work. Every aspect of a person's life can be affected by the simple lie; supported, nourished or fed one little lie will becomes egregious through consequences associated by others and gossip.

The tRuTh will always stand on a firm foundation.

To reveal the truth you have to expose the lies, liars or bullies.

Justice is not Revenge,

GOD is Just

Set out to Help others Love
The truth should never be twisted
True Love is always true

Sunday, December 16, 2007

In The Darkness a Light Shines from afar

Justice is not revenge and people disciplined and held accountable for the truth that they tried to deny or cover up is required for the peace and blessings of Love.

If one person falls victim, innocent, and double crossed with a third placed upon the hill his story to tell, a tale of wealth and loss, great are the punishments that one poor soul receives until the truth is revieled and exposed. Words and pictures created to tell the whole story, not just bits and pieces captured with sound bites condensed to lose all meaning and purpose.

We build on the foundation of truth that which brings restoration to the family and structure from the generations of before to the generations yet to come.

I wait for my time to be called, I wait to build and fill my role as the one who contributes as an aide and a guide. I wait for the future to reveal the truth, my hands are tied, until the day of restoration and exhonoration.

I know the truth and I know how we all need to work together to expose the truth, it is sad that liars are permitted to betray the public trust and get away with causing harm to others.

Be a part of the solution,

Be a Blessing,

Be the peace maker, by telling the truth and setting right the wrongs.

Be above the world,

Learn to Love, and be Kind,

Learn to read and write, in truth, help others,

In truth sing proudly and strong,

Love, and Survive help others,

Be happy to learn and teach.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

She doesn't understand

She doesn't understand that her performance would be a curse to his soul, she doesn't understand that he could never set foot in the building to hear her song her voice beautiful and vibrant would never enter into his ears where he could never cross the threshold to hear the melody and harmony of notes, chords and ryhmes for the performance that he was never told about, decieved and betrayed once again, she made clear her intentions to be selfish and controlling. An individual determined to rule and control the life of others along with the powers of deception that lead her to believe that she could get away with betraying the man that was previously betrayed.

A time comes when the ill gotten gains on Earth will reap disaterous rewards in the universe set far away from the heart of the one and only true GOD a pure and holy creator that longs to live in peace and harmony with people that know how to live in peace and harmony. She will be cast far out into the universe consumed by a black hole never to be seen again, for she is corrupt as the men that falsely convicted her husband of crimes that he never committed, she and the people involved in hurting the man who is innocent they all will pay a heavy price for the crimes that they all committed.

Earthly gains for the moment will never yeild eternal rewards, obtaining an entry into the heart of GOD requires a true peace of mind that can never be obtained by lying about another individual especially lies about your spouse.

If you are guilty of sin, it is best that you confess and make right the wrongs that you have committed, for otherwise all evil will enter into your life. You will lose that which you proclaimed most important, you will lose, love, partnership and trust. A liar cannot be believed, and a controller is a slave maker, a bad master prevents others from being involved. A single parent hurts their partner by keeping the children in the dark and teaching that the spouse is a louse, when in reality it is the control freak tearing the family apart by keeping spouses in the dark and treating their spouses like mushrooms, insignificant and useless with little to contribute to the growth and development of the family.

Living in a State of Corruption

A man set out for work, in his world work would break his ties to family and friends. Relationships would be destroyed as a theif would steal and wound the victim of the crime.

The victim seeking help to resolve the injustice would be questioned, "So you think you are a Christian?" The real Christians would be exposed, for those that would allow the victim to be violated remain workers of the world creating a world of corruption as Jesus preached the story of the good Samaritan. How could anyone knowingly allow a corruption to exist, to leave a person lying in the gutter and to walk or pass on by allowing the harm of abuse physical or emotional to destroy that poor soul who was and is attacked?

Living in a State of Corruption is how people allow others to be controlled when there is a job to do and they don't avail all of their abilities to correct the crimes that are exposed. It doesn't matter if the crimes are committed by the guardians of the peace the social system to protect society must be working to prevent further abuse and yet we find many not working and many people are not protected from abuse by the people making and enforcing rules and laws. The very vile corruption that exists when lies are permitted and the truth is suppressed.

We need to support people telling the truth and comming forward to witness crimes against humanity whereever and when ever we find fraud and deception we need to work together to expose the crimnals and their behaviors.

Either we work together or some people will be forced to live in a State of Corruption.

Do you like Corruption existing in your State, Country or World?

It is time to push back against evil deeds and broken relationships, it is time to expose and fix that which can be fixed, it is time to set out a new, it is time to move forward, it is time, to set the past behind as corruption always destroys certain physical and emotional elements. Some relationships will never be healed as a result of the corruption suffered and endured. We have to be open to the fact that some people will always create and believe in the lies and crimes as fabricated and presented to be true. Those people believing in lies are truly lost, those people believing in immaculate conception and salvation through death are the real losers for the future will depend on people knowing the truth and stopping the corruption, as crosses created the track, the cure for the curse is to expose the lies and liars.

If not a word was spoken we could still know the truth.

And there is only one truth!

Did Jesus exist? Do you exist and did you help expose the truth?

Or are you living in a State of Corruption?

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Truth vs. Deception

To Love the truth,
To know the truth,
To live the truth,
Is to live and know true love

You can trust the truth there is no deception in telling the truth there is no harm in knowing the truth.

Lying and Deception are weapons, they kill and destroy lives.

You can trust the truth and you can obey the truth, but no one will trust and obey a liar.

"I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you" - Friedrich Nietzsche

The victims of lies had created a new country and they knew the power of the age old lies that burdened their society creating these horrid conditions from which to live. How one man could lose everything that he ever worked for by the powers of a lie. There is no more deadly tool than a written lie, it drives the innocent crazy. Many people have died for a lie told and repeated and compounded. This is not new thinking, this is the way that people have always hurt each other, jealousy, greed and lies.

Excluding people and lying are all tools of power and control that freaks use to manipulate others and spouses. Slavery is the result and when lies are used people get hurt.

Let's look at what happened to me, four police officers are dispatched to my house because of lies signed on a piece of paper. These four officers have a discussion with my father who was entertaining the pastorial staff of my church in my house. I was exhausted and went upstairs to bed. The police arrived and there was a plan to prop open my front door, a door that I told my father to keep closed and locked since none of my house guests were willing to leave and I needed rest more importantly I needed several hours of sleep. My father calls me down stairs I had just gotten to sleep and now I was disturbed. I come down stairs realizing that four police officers are standing at my front door the screen door wide open and the front door propped open about an inch or two. I standing at the base of the stairs at the front door look over to my father who is standing and watching from the living room. I try to push the front door closed but the officers rush in. I don't know why the officers are there. I'm knockd to the ground with the biggest officer in the lead squeezing the inside of my left arm. I'm subdued in my own home.

This is the ways of old, old England, old control freaks. Our founding fathers were appalled at the behaviors of the officers in their day, and provided us the home owners protection from this type of abuse. This protection comes to us in the Fourth Amendment in the U.S. Constitution providing for each and everyone of us to have a safe haven in our own homes.

A confession to the lies in the report that led the police to abuse me was since given to me, but the police refuse to repair the damage done.

This was not my fathers home, I was not a child I was the home owner, I paid the bills and I deserved the respect of being a home owner and father and I was not treated with that dignigty there was no trust because of the lies, and there were many lies and I was not obeyed.

The lies cut a wound deeper than any knife could possibly reach, a gun was put to my head I was abused.

Deception comes in many forms, and betrayal violates the victims and the truth is hidden and often times far away from people who delight in seeing others harmed.

As I sat in the police car in front of my house it was no surprise to see the new pastor of the church walking by smiling. A job well done they were all in on the event. I had no friends.

And who would know the truth?

The truth was with me, and who would love me?

Here is a man looking to be loved, his relationships all gone sour because of the lies, as lies always kill the death of the marriage was inevitable when more deception would occur. Who could lie to a man that had been lied to? Who could deceive an innocent soul? The penalty for sin is death, being cast out excluded. The cure for sin is repentance and making reparations for personal violations.

You will judge your self on the final day and you know all that you have done.

We will either find true love or we will be cast out forever.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

We Live to Die, but we should strive to survive

In truth our death will reflect our life and love. A person who is abused and shun, estranged from friends and family is not likely to be involved or participate where the victim can continue to suffer attacks violated by the lies the victim learns to stay clear of the bullies or become a bully.

Our society still delights in watching the pain of others and the suffering, as we come into this Holiday Season we praise the birth of a GOD a child named Jesus. In truth much has been written about the child, after many hundreds of years much has been embelished and some even worship lies. Immaculate conception? That takes a lot of belief to believe in the spontaneous conception of a child. What we fail to see are the truths that Jesus tried to teach us when we focus on the lies.

Jesus wanted and wants us to help others, I'm sure that I don't have to elaborate on this point. Jesus wanted us to call him GOD but could anyone else also be made in the image of GOD and could GOD be in any other living creature? As GOD is Omnipresent GOD would be in everything and everywhere. Not just in Jesus but also in others. These creatures that are of Heavenly origin finding Love above and beyond all the pain and suffering, these angels that walk with us and know the truth and seek out the truth and love the truth they come to help you and me. Together we work for the good of mankind making people kind by exposing the lies, and revealing the truth and the abuse.

Jesus and others claim the truth is the most important thing in existance. Do you or I know the truth?

I can show you my truth, is there another alternate truth? There can only be one truth.

In truth I pray that we can bless each other each and every day, unfortunately, some people can't say an apology, they can't bring broken families together, there is no love when we keep violating others punishing the victims instead of helping those that tell the truth. We should be helping to expose and tell the truth.

Bringing all of yourself into the relationship shows your commitment and trust, if you hold back and don't participate as an open partner in the team sharing and caring then your relationship will never be 100% and by degrees you will be less of a couple each time you take with out giving. Our society has many flawed relationships as a result of people not working to help prevent losses.

Victims getting punished for other people's failures is just another violation of the human rights of a person who will have to endure more suffering through bad disciplinary actions.

Life is tough enough we need to stop punishing the victims.

Death comes all too soon, and once a person dies you will never be able to hear them speak an apology. And in rebuilding trust it might be necessary to apologize more than once to reassure that you are sincere as a sign and reminder that you will not violate the victim like that again.

The wounded soul needs to heal.

Healing happens when Love is found and shared to show that you care for one another, Love transcends all wounds and heals the broken spirit. The body and soul need to connect with other loving souls to be made whole.

Tears fall when I think of all of the lies, the greatest is to create a demon called the Devil or Satan. Some people say that the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was to convince us that the Devil doesn't exist. This is the biggest lie and hoax ever pulled on mankind to make us afraid of an idea that should have never existed.

The Devil never existed yet man does exist and while we can not determine the origin of life we certainly can understand the creation of lies or deception the tools that destroy the lives of good people. These lies are not the works of anyone other than the person telling the lie. We have to become accountable for our own behaviors and expose the lies and liars when ever possible.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Curse of the Church

The Church created by the hands of man along with the book of curses that allows sinners to sin acting as though they have favor with the creator by grace for eternity through the sins of the cross as though salvation comes to us through the death and heroics of other individuals.

The lack of repentance proves that the people worshipping blindly are not part of the family, they are sleeping, silent, dead to the word and to the world. They have convinced themselves that they have found a way to heaven and they are allowing the methods of sin to destroy other people's lives.

Members of the cults that are so extreme to act out or to sit back and blindly allow death and destruction to pour into another mans house are certainly not saved, these extremists will be cast far away from the heart of GOD for eternity.

You see GOD will know who is truly a member of the family of Good, pure and holy will be the works and intentions as the family of GOD helps each other lifting them up and supporting them, sharing and showing that they care for each other and their neighbors. A good man and a good woman will be completed as one the holes in their souls will be filled and they will become whole.

The spell of evil and the curse can be broken with Love, with Love you can turn back the hands of time, while the evil people of the world work their evil around you as legion telling lies and believing in nothing true, they with the power to forgive will never apologize they will not repent and they will not make reparations. Never an attempt to correct or fix what they have broken, with deceit, and derision they attack a good person and the worst of these are the leaders of Churches and the Elite members and followers of the illigitimate ways of evil espoused by men and women forcing their lies and crimes on others. The members of the congregation include all the members of the service the Staff, Choir and those in attendance they all become culpable for the lies shared and covered up.

Death and destruction is never the answer for peace, violence creates more fear and violence.

How can anyone who calls themselves members of the family of the created the family of GOD be involved in allowing death and destruction anywhere in the world?

Why can't we put a stop to the insanity and chaos?

We have insane ideas that we can control other people killing those that don't agree with our beliefs, this is the curse of the Church of all organized religions. They are blind to themselves. They can't see what they do to others by lying and hurting them emotionally.

The curse is the absence of Love, committment and sharing it is a lack of caring, casting others out and not including them into the arms of Love and Life.

By isolating the extrovert you have isolated your GOD and cast out GOD into the darkness never to be known, your eternal soul will pay the price for as you live so will you die. As you have cast out with lies so will you be cast out forever, the curse is real and while you might have great joy and wealth on Earth you'll have nothing in heaven there is no heaven for you who do not love the truth and are not willing to share and care about the pain of others. The path to heaven is a narrow one many will not be able to walk this path by their own choosing they will not see how they have hurt others as I've been hurt. I know the pain and suffering of being excluded kept in the dark having to figure out missing details, I know how hard it can be to read another person's mind, I know how it takes one hand in another with that special touch or squeeze to give a boost of confidence that everything will be alright and safe in the arms of one that you trust and love. For with out this ability to comfort and feel safe you know that you have no Love, you have been lied to, you are not trusted, your relationship will not last and endure for eternity.

The curse of the church bound and delivered to the ground,
The curse of the church cracks the foundation of society
The curse of the church falters the walls sway the roof falls
The curse of the church found in the lies told and covered up
The curse of the church abundant in their scripture,
The curse of the church lies in interpretations,
The curse of the church a scourge on society

How do we fix our world?

What is the next step in the evolution of religion?

Do you worship the devil and satan? Do you believe in a firey hell to torture the sinners and that all have sinned and deserve to go to hell? Do you believe in the curses of the church?

What is pure and holy?
GOD is pure and holy could evil ever entertain that which is good that which is pure and holy that which is GOD?

No Evil will be found in Heaven, this is written on my heart, is this written on your heart?

How could people have been fooled for so long, for so many years we have allowed dictators, rulers, leaders and kings to persecute us. The bullies first violate us and make us victims as we are persecuted for our peaceful beliefs and then we get violated again by those that teach us to be peaceful. The contradiction of being good and being punished for being good confounds the mind, it confusses people and they begin to act out. Only Love can heal the wounded spirit, the heart torn apart can be made whole and the hole in the middle can be filled with love, love from above when two are one.

Peace and Blessings,



Saturday, December 1, 2007

So you think you're a Christian?

Who needs to preach to the choir?
We all need to preach to the choir if the choir fell asleep and didn't listen to the teaching and preaching from the truth that exists in the book that they proclaim in song and worhip blindly sleeping right along.

If you're not outraged at a judge and judicial misconduct telling the innocent that they are not Christians and that the honest people are liars then the choir has to be sleeping.

David and Golaith two thugs two bullies to murders. Five stones one head removed what a wonderful hero to be King.

And the choir is ready to sing. Praises to the King. David and his kin, dying on the cross, crucified.

Peace be with you for as long as Isreal remains the bully there will be no peace in the Middle East.

Who is your neighbor?
The good samaritan is a story to show the way to help others instead of sleeping in the choir we are to be actively helping those who are struck down, fallen in the ditch, robbed, wounded, and yet the Choir sleeps, did they not hear?

The Choir will sing praises to GOD for eternity, but while here on Earth they are to be the Samaritans helping the victims and preventing the victims from getting violated again. There will be plenty of time to sing for eternity and yet the choir sleeps. Where is the outrage?

The truth was not told, the egregious behavior of the lying detective takes every Church to the ground and every member becomes the complacent criminal when there is no outrage at the lies of the liar and liars. GOD's grace will not extend to those that worship in vain a false belief sitting in pews sleeping with the choir. Singing with voices muted by the lies GOD will not hear your songs and prayers when you prove you don't care, the family of GOD is taught to share.

Waking up the choir to expose the sins they've participated in as they allowed another lie to exists in church and in the system of the law, the judge got away with it again, the lying detective put another notch in his portfolio and another family is torn apart and the choir sits by waiting to sing, watching with out a care, where is the outrage?

The foundation of the church and families are torn apart by the lies of the liars and the choir sleeps.

GOD I pray,
Your word is written on my heart,
GOD I wish every person to find you in their heart,
GOD the source of ALL life,
Create in us a desire to do what is right,
GOD find us in you,
Soften the hearts of the Choir
Write the outrage
Let the Choir sing and right the wrong
Scream out in song
Wake up the Choir, Light up the Night
Fix our world
Make the wrong, right...