Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Universe, Evolution and Creation...

Have you ever listened to a leader of organized religion claim the fact that they can not know everything. Certainly it is true that you can not know everything when people are deliberately making it impossible to understand even the simple ideas that only require a little thought.

There was once a time when the Earth was known to be flat, and you know you didn't want to travel too far lest you fall off the edge into the abyss never to return home again.

That was until a man named Galileo observed a ship sinking off into the horizon and it dawned upon Galileo that indeed the line of the horizon is a curve and it would also be true that the Earth would be a sphere and not a flat disc as described in the text to be know as all true and infallible and yet the religious leaders hated having this truth exposed. Like the discovery of gravity, Sir Isaac Newton determined the law that all objects would fall because of this force that draws us to the center of the Earth.

It is my belief that many Scientists and Theologians would have us believe in a singular event that comes out of nothing and leads us into a false belief, instead of examining the obvious. What we know is that the universe is infinite, and for an object to be infinite it must also be eternal. If the universe is eternal then it could not possibly have a beginning. We keep searching for something that doesn't exist. But what does exist is our planet and our Solar system the Galaxy and the universe that our Galaxy is in along with other out of this world anomalies.

It is at this moment when we realize that indeed Creationism and Evolution do cross paths. As Galaxies and other Stellar objects are created so is our Solar System and our planet upon which life can and will evolve, what is surprising is the many hazards to life on Earth as the planet can be a very hostile place to live also too can the inhabitants of the planet be just as hostile, deadly to a belief.

Many people have come to change the course of civilization to put humankind in the light of a new day. As I shared Newtonian Laws and Galilean principles, so too has there been a sacrificial crucifixion to end the sacrifice of animals, The leader of the Exodus from Slavery to the Annihilation of a nation. Back further yet the inheritance of the first born and the blessing stolen the story of the younger brother and his lie, the story of a mother and her lie. The story of old is the same one repeated over and over time and time again. And yet the people refuse to see the truth until confronted with calamity.

How could an eternal infinite universe be created? The universe is the source of great energy the source of all things that exist in the universe. We live in and have our being in the Universe and we are also a part of the universe as the universe is in us. The source of all life is GOD and to know GOD requires us to explore the Universe.

We can not be reached by aliens of other solar systems but we can plant the seeds of life on other planets and grow forth as we go from one day into the next.

A great blessing for humanity to grow families with descendants that outnumber the stars, that we are social creatures that live and love together in truth. Those entities that do not tell the truth shall be exposed, publicly chastised and admonished.

Justice is a Universal language and tool written upon the hearts of all people.

A conversation on this topic can be found here: @ discussion 2142798 (MyLot)

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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Being Judged

I had to look deep into my own belief structure. A long time ago I sat down and composed a little writing thing one morning before I headed off to work. The fact that it was a power writing essay I immediately e-mailed the essay to a good friend.

He read my writing and felt very convicted, as though I had attacked him somehow. I asked him to read it a second time and to slow down, I'm not attacking him for anything. He read the piece a second time and wanted to help me get it published a splitting of the proceeds... LOL Amazing what looking at something with out the eyes of prejudice and conviction can do...

The piece is posted as one of my blogs, it is called 'The evolution of religion' and now his friend Jeff and he Dave cannot cash in for something that can be had for free, written by me.

So should it be that I should share the original e-mail?

Or the exchanges of e-mails?

The main thing is to put a face on GOD (male or female) I found that in searching for the divine that it would be better to spend my time looking for the opposite because the divine has found a way to reveal to myself or all the true spirit if we are so open to what is seeking to find us.

It is a mind set to know and understand not from what others have written or said but to know all on our own... Then to have made known that indeed we have been found. The peace beyond all understanding is made known and you could never explain in a million years to another person especially if they are so blind as to not see or deaf as to not hear, it is then us that become mute as they say we are dumb. At that accusation I also wait judgment day when they will be in front of their own image looking in a mirror. They will be their own judge.

Imagine being judged by yourself and if Christ is in your heart by the Christ that is in you. Imagine all of the people running away from their own reflection. What a vision... Sad as it is though many people will run far from the Love of GOD instead of making right all of their wrongs and being honest with others and themselves. Jesus also taught let not any person have a thing against you... I suspect those things others have against us will be there to haunt us on the day of judgment.

Imagine all of the people who have hurt me??? What will they have to confront? I will not mourn for those cast out by their own convictions, there is more than enough abiding peace and love that I know exists in that eternal home that I will delight in with my GOD.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Are you a Friend or an Enemy?

What were you taught?

Where did you learn to exclude?

Do you honestly answer questions that are asked of you? Or do you skip over questions that left unanswered might allow people to draw the wrong conclusions so that your sense of pride and ego can be stroked in order to make you superior and powerful because you are in control, even if the wrong idea enters into the world.

If the wrong idea enters into the world by your actions you are then bringing forth the evil and acting against the pure and holy nature of GOD the creation of evil is now then in your control and your power is great but never greater than the truth.

It is easy to hate a person especially a person that tells or exposes the truth, but in truth the person that is honored as a friend never lies to you or about you. You include your friends and always seek their advice and companionship.

What did Organized Religion teach?

I started my journey into Organized Religion with the Lutheran Church where money was the ruler. The worship was to be about Jesus and GOD but money was at the core of the teachings for growth and prosperity as with all other Organized Religions. You could easily be excluded based upon your financial status. Who really benefits as they preach and teach GOD gives to those who are blessed and to them more will be given. By the power of man more can be taken away from the blessed people of GOD and here on earth it would look like the poor and meek who have nothing deserve little or less because they are not blessed.

The truth is that by the work of man evil can prevail in and around our world.

To unveil the evil we need to expose the truth.

The woman that I would follow to the Catholic Church to play and sing with the guitar group later wanted to be my wife. Even though I was told I could not participate in communion and later during the funeral service for her father the priest performing the grave side service in such a rush, proceeded with the service while the only child and her family were still gathering with the rest of the people present as we were all gathering around the grave site. The priest was in a rush to attend a golf outing which obviously could not wait another moment. Haste always makes waste and this priest certainly created a lot of waste in his haste, the destruction of rhythm making a beautiful song sound horrible as the pace is increased to fit into a predetermined time frame that is so compressed the noise is a garbled blend of notes that have no beginning or end, there is no sense of structure and balance. The priest was surely not a friend.

Later invited to the Mennonite Church the community that once excommunicated a long distant relative a great, great grandfather maybe a generation or so more distant, would also excommunicate me.

What were the reasons? For this long distant relative the reason was over a loan, he helped his neighbor in difficult times and when the tables were turned and he saw that the neighbor could repay the loan the only way to acquire what was due was to sue and this was against the church doctrines according to some leader at that time. The case was won in court but while winning in court there would be a cost on the social level, being shunned by the church and their community.

As for me, I would be falsely accused of actions or behaviors that were committed by another person (((***Insert Link to My Story here ***))) This would eventually lead to my also being excommunicated.

Why was I interested in joining a particular Mennonite Community? The Church once lead by a pastor named Norman Schmidt had learned the ways of love and inclusion I could tell that through the people I would watch in my community first the children who would be my peers and then through the adults that seemed to be where I was through my growing years. There was a particular man named Walter Jenkins and his wife Lucy that were great examples of love along with Sarah Huber my second grade teacher her husband Leroy would also be an influence in my life, and the Swanson family. Edward Swanson was the first Pastor that I followed as he preached at the Lutheran Church, his wife was our Sunday School teacher and encouraged us to sing and attend church services. It was the work of Walter Jenkins and Lucy that reached my heart quickly through words of encouragement for my efforts to sing and play the guitar as a young man trying to emulate and use musical gifts as a path to growing and calling out to others as only a child can follow and strive in a carefree manner that is not about the gift given but about the gift being given out. Walter Jenkins attended the Lutheran Church when I performed my that music as a fifth grader and later we were members of the Mennonite Church together. My father would also be an encouragement in my life much like these elders that I recall. It was the love and encouragement to move on and do well, not that I would be the best but that I would do my best and strive to be the best that I could be.

Trust becomes the issue along with trust there must also be respect and this combined together with encouragement builds upon a solid foundation of love. The forces in our lives that destroy Love can be traced to people with specific agenda's to promote hatred. (((***Insert link to Sandy Baumer and Rosemarie Roberts/Landis***)))

The question now becomes upon your walk on this Earth did you encourage love or destruction, life or death?

If GOD is Love and GOD loves justice your soul hangs in the balance.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Desire to Believe Lies and where our thoughts get flawed

In the Christian community the flawed belief begins with the core teachings of forgive and forget, anyone attending a religious organization that has at is base this foundation is flawed because people will use this as leverage to get one over on others.

It is disgusting to be the victim of a bully who is always forgiven and forgotten by others but the bully always remembers the victim and continues to inflict pain or abuse upon one either physically or mentally.

The Humanistic point of view is just as dangerous where they believe that at our core all humans are basically good. There are two groups of humans and many of us are not good. There are so many people that are taking advantage of others that if we are to judge all people as basically good we would miss the obvious truth that some people are not good and are only trying to take advantage of others.

I have a situation where I know of the evils that are present and I'm not able to find access to the protections in order to reveal the information that I am given. My trauma is knowing and needing protection from the abuse that is and has been the result of abuse and I can not stop the abuse of another even though I know how much pain they will suffer as the bully gets away.

What a sick world created.

The cure is providing protection for the victims and exposing the abuses.

In our society there is no crime if the crime can not be properly reported.

Do the Christians and the Humanists yet understand that they stand in the way to the day that could come a new day of peace for everyone?

What is wrong with complete accountability?

What is wrong with providing access to love?

But love is blocked because people want to believe in false premises until those realities are proven as fact after the damage is already done, and an ounce of prevention is always cheaper than a pound of cure. When the cure and the prevention come from the same source. Written or Chemical it doesn't matter, when the bully is the catalyst to set the disease in motion.

Most people when the realize that they have become the victims of a lie, they learn to run from the liars yet some bullies don't understand why people run the tall tales that lead to rejection and eviction. More damaging is being rejected for telling the truth.

Those in the seat of power need to learn to set aside the idea that most people are at their core good or in need of being forgiven and forgotten. We need to focus our thoughts on bringing about repentance and leading people to the truth.

I love my honest friends,

From Last Sunday on MyLot 'Exposing the lies of Organized Systems'

Organized systems that are colored by lies are breeding grounds for abuse and corruption and our global community needs to do a better job of preventing these liars from causing destruction to our countries and our families.

We need to put on a united front to expose the abusers and the liars in high power.

A truth revealed that leads to abuse is just as bad as a lie that gives control to a destructive force.

The violent person who violates the rights of another person is manipulative and controlling and extremely abusive. A passive person who is submissive easily becomes the target or mark of a manipulator. Manipulators can be passive one day and encouraged to be controlling through association.

Once a person in the position of power and control becomes aware that they can force other people to engage in violent acts together they build destructive forces to entangle the sensibilities of those that will become their victims. The aggressor escalates a confrontation by making threats and proceeding to act out the threats.

Most people will respond with destructive force to stop the violence that they are being subjected to this is how violent or abusive people trap the innocent victims into a confrontation that results in death or injury to one or many.

A wise person knows to keep out in the open to be protected, available to the public, and to speak the truth in order to expose the abuses.

A miscarriage of justice is when the truth is ignored and abusive people are rewarded for illegal behavior, for lying and causing harm.

Systems organized to cover up the lies, have been allowed to cause great harm to our world, beginning with the organization of religion and also political powers that would lead one nation to inflict harm upon another in order to gain access to property through suffering.