Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Universe, Evolution and Creation...

Have you ever listened to a leader of organized religion claim the fact that they can not know everything. Certainly it is true that you can not know everything when people are deliberately making it impossible to understand even the simple ideas that only require a little thought.

There was once a time when the Earth was known to be flat, and you know you didn't want to travel too far lest you fall off the edge into the abyss never to return home again.

That was until a man named Galileo observed a ship sinking off into the horizon and it dawned upon Galileo that indeed the line of the horizon is a curve and it would also be true that the Earth would be a sphere and not a flat disc as described in the text to be know as all true and infallible and yet the religious leaders hated having this truth exposed. Like the discovery of gravity, Sir Isaac Newton determined the law that all objects would fall because of this force that draws us to the center of the Earth.

It is my belief that many Scientists and Theologians would have us believe in a singular event that comes out of nothing and leads us into a false belief, instead of examining the obvious. What we know is that the universe is infinite, and for an object to be infinite it must also be eternal. If the universe is eternal then it could not possibly have a beginning. We keep searching for something that doesn't exist. But what does exist is our planet and our Solar system the Galaxy and the universe that our Galaxy is in along with other out of this world anomalies.

It is at this moment when we realize that indeed Creationism and Evolution do cross paths. As Galaxies and other Stellar objects are created so is our Solar System and our planet upon which life can and will evolve, what is surprising is the many hazards to life on Earth as the planet can be a very hostile place to live also too can the inhabitants of the planet be just as hostile, deadly to a belief.

Many people have come to change the course of civilization to put humankind in the light of a new day. As I shared Newtonian Laws and Galilean principles, so too has there been a sacrificial crucifixion to end the sacrifice of animals, The leader of the Exodus from Slavery to the Annihilation of a nation. Back further yet the inheritance of the first born and the blessing stolen the story of the younger brother and his lie, the story of a mother and her lie. The story of old is the same one repeated over and over time and time again. And yet the people refuse to see the truth until confronted with calamity.

How could an eternal infinite universe be created? The universe is the source of great energy the source of all things that exist in the universe. We live in and have our being in the Universe and we are also a part of the universe as the universe is in us. The source of all life is GOD and to know GOD requires us to explore the Universe.

We can not be reached by aliens of other solar systems but we can plant the seeds of life on other planets and grow forth as we go from one day into the next.

A great blessing for humanity to grow families with descendants that outnumber the stars, that we are social creatures that live and love together in truth. Those entities that do not tell the truth shall be exposed, publicly chastised and admonished.

Justice is a Universal language and tool written upon the hearts of all people.

A conversation on this topic can be found here: @ discussion 2142798 (MyLot)

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