Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Love is not a word...

Love defined in my Teachings found here: http://tgwbteachings.blogspot.com/2008/02/love-is-more-than-word.html

Love is not just a word, Love is an emotion, Love is a tool that encourages people to be brought together in a sacred union, Love completes the circle of life, when one loves another they create a family, when one man and one woman come together they can be the creators of life and love, bringing into each other's life joy and hapiness an energy and a force that binds them together in support and communication with each other. Love, lives in the lives of good people working together for the good of each other and the world, Love lives in the lives of people who can communicate love to each other.

Love and life, can be destroyed by evil and the worst evil in the world lives in the Church that destroys the lives of families. The Church that does not know love and does not know the one true GOD, the Church built on a false foundation, the Church built upon lies, teaching women to hate men, tearing the fabric of society apart.

Love enslaved and controlled is not free, Love in the absence of communication is estranged and when empathy is removed, only evil remains. This love is hatred a false love.

Two extremes, the person that hates the Church will abuse those that love the Church and the person that loves the Church will abuse the person that hates the Church there is no middle ground, the only bridge to be found is Love.

True love will grow to understand that the evils in our land are created by the hatred taught by the Church and their eyes will be opened and they will see that the Evil in society is the result of bad leadership in the Church, Mosque and Temple where extremism teaches people to kill people, relationships and to lie.

A conditioned response is to run away from evil, I've learned well that the evil in my life was created by the Church and is my ex-wife.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

A lie is not true, A lie harms me, you and GOD to...

If the text from which you worship is flawed, then your manual will tear you and others apart, working against a good heart the terrorist is born from the false witness as the innocent are accused, convicted and committed, punished by words and deeds of generations passed. The Bible is a curse as long as it promotes hatred against the good, as long as the truth is not known. The greatest flaws in the Bible are rarely ever read and only sometimes preached when the congregation is asleep.

Anger and wrath are passed from one sarcastic generation to the next, a life of wickedness out of quick reactions and little thought, result in many disputes that could be avoided; if only love would or could rule the day. Instead false accusations and quick wits tend to promote another injustice to be perpetrated against the innocent. Another relationship bites the dust, and who will gather together to support the demise of a couple or a family? Gathered around the gossip table making quilts, the ladies study scripture with a plan of their own how a man should behave they have made their plans without communicating to the husband what he needs to do. Women attacking men, forcing them to become mind readers, a subliminal signal is not communicating and saying or sharing. A caring partner would not leave their spouse in the dark, deaf and dumb. Women and men bearing false witness tearing apart families working against the word, work and heart of GOD.

There is a reason that the Church has as many divorces in their community and maybe more than in the secular world, it is because of the evil that lives inside of the book and the walls as people gather together to divide friends and families.

Hold a mirror up to the Church and see the reflection of hatred and greed that is passed by and presented as a gift to a god of wrath and hatred. See the truth, and the lies cast before the world and the universe.

How many had to die for the lies contained between the covers of a book?

Who controls the minds of the masses?

Visit this link and learn more about religion and truth, about the war on terror and our economy and finally what will bring peace...


For only one thing brings peace and that is the truth about love. Without love a lie can be passed from one generation to the next as a truth and brother will fight brother and families will be torn apart.

Peace is a blessing of Love,
Love is Peace and is a Blessing,

Friday, February 22, 2008

The way of the world, a good man like Jesus would be the most hated...

If Jesus would come today I'm sure that he would be a great guy, and I'm also quite certain that he would be hated by many, many people.

The ideals of Jesus would be to help as many people as possible, to do the most good for all and that would promote sharing and caring for others, empathy and being involved in other people's lives. We would know how and why things are done the way they are and we would teach each other the truth.

My GOD and my Jesus would never jump to conclusions, they would weigh all of the facts and communicate, teaching love and peace.

The leaders of the Church and the world teach us to live in secret, to exclude ourselves putting distance between us and society or us and our families, the world and the Church teach hatred, in order to belong you have to believe in lies, the doors are shut as they choose to worship their evil ways.

Jesus would see this and try to expose the den of thieves as the criminals that they are. The control freaks would resist with everything to hide including the truth that they are worshipping lies.

The text of the liars is a manual to control the minds of the followers this map allows people to be deceived thinking that they should be able to keep their flawed information private and most importantly unaccounted for. Accountability equals ownership and a dream for success. Private deals with lies and reactions jumping to conclusions and making false accusations, not knowing and being in the dark, private lives hide their lies.

If you prejudge or if a decision is made by jumping to conclusion you have violated the rights of others and you are not fair and just, there is no justice when you only listen to half of the facts.

The good will always be called bad as long as we can't see the truth and know.

Jesus would be the most hated man on Earth, because the liars would fear their great loss being criminals their lives would be full of dispair. Evil people would take action against the good finding anyway possible to subvert the system. Evil people hide together, good people expose the truth.

GOD is love and GOD loves justice

GOD knows all,

Without a word GOD knows that Love is the only word that matters

Where there is love there is peace,

Where there is peace there is also joy,

Where there is peace and joy there are blessings,

If you find yourself under attack for the sake of love and helping others, then know the peace and joy of GOD in truth there is a blessing for us all in times of strife, even when your life is upside down.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ignorance, Acting like a problem doesn't exist, The failure to fix what is Broken...

What is wrong with our society is that we are complacent we do not fix what we know is flawed. We allow broken things to remain unrepaired we work around the flaws until we end up going no where. We keep running in circles digging ourselves and our government in deeper into debt or into problems that we should be able to get out of simply.

First we have to know the simple solutions we have to look and see the problems that exist and we have to think of a cure to make things better instead of worse.

Second exposing corruption will go a long way to relieving the suffering in our society and will set an example for other nations to follow suit, when the repair begins with the terrorist in our own back yards and what is the maker of terrorism? Why the Church preaching false beliefs, hatred and lies so that men and women will be aggressive towards one another and the poor.

We need to stand up to the systems that have corrupted our society all the systems both the religious and the leadership along with the judiciary.

The authorities that are in control making life miserable for the innocent.

Who is the terrorist maker?
Those that are ignorant to the truth trying to hide the lies of liars instead of confronting the false foundations of their beliefs.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

To bear or borne FALSE Witness, To Lie, To Sin

What is a lie, and who are the best liars of all?

What is the Greatest Sin?

Destruction of the community begins with the lack of support or the false foundation established in a corrupt society.

What is the primary source for corruption? What has created and given permission to giving false witness while condemning the truth when the truth is and has been told?

There are to many answers to these questions.

We can look at our judicial system and see that there are errors in how justice is applied by people who are esentially running our government.

We can look to the Church for leadership and guidance and we might not see that the Church is built on a false foundation worshipping in error and deceiving all. For the great Teacher would never condone the behaviors of the Church being responsible for making so many people poor. Spiritually and Financially the Church strips away and divides family and community with false witness and false teachings, as gossip runs rampant.

For to say that Jesus came to save, is the greatest lie of all, and the greatest sin is to lie.

The Church is bound to fall.

Listen to the words of the teacher, Jesus recognized the errors of the Temple leaders and Jesus was not impressed with the way that the Chruch or Temple gained wealth, the Church was to be a house of prayer, for all to come and pray and it has become a house of theives, the Mosques make sinners out of the members that listen to the mental leaps made to divide families and communities and the greatest lie of all is told when evil enters in.

Instead of asking which religion is right for you ask which religion is the first to raise the Devil or Satan and to give gender to their GOD dominant over others.

Answer the questions and know in your heart just how corrupt the government really is.

Know that an honest man can be accused and convicted of a crime that he never committed and know that we are not all sinners and not one of us is saved by grace if we don't follow the teachings of the teacher Jesus.

Our world could be better if we worked together, but as long as the truth can not be told, and known, the world will spiral into decay and the downward spiral begins with you and the Church that has been an uneeded crutch preventing and blocking the truth from being known.

The Bible is full of errors as the hand of man passes over the pages for profit every word between the covers needs to be checked for truth and the truth will be known when you remove Satan and Gender Bashing, The GOD of the Bible is not male or female and when you fix that you will see that the word really is Love.

GOD is Love
Jesus is Love
Love the Land and ALL that Live, hold the evil accountable for their crimes against the truth, and be free to live in love.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

An injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere!

This was on a sign to a church and here is a church with a good sign... Not that I believe in the powers of a church for good as long as the Bible contains the works of Satan and worship of the words that teach such evil to all people.

The injustice found in the Bible or any other religious text that teaches Satan as the father of lies and sin have got to be exorcised from our minds. For teaching of this nature is the root of all evil and takes away the life that we could live if we could teach others to help others and tell the truth.

We could encourage the truth and expose the lies and we could make our world a better place for all of us to get along with Love and Peace and Happiness our Joy would be great and exceeding, but alas we have these awful teachings created by the hands of people to control the masses while they greedily pick our pockets and strip our land and wealth from our society the global community has been deceived.

The greatest hoax ever played upon humanity by humans for the purpose of being above and controlling others.

Who is your GOD?

Love and Life

Punishmnt for a wrong is quite acceptable but to punish the innocent for a wrong that they didn't commit, that is a sin.

Who detrmines what is right and what is wrong, who decides what is sin? We should all know what is the difference between right and wrong, we should all be able to think out the consequences in a fair system that is built upon trust and truth.

In the teachings of the religious fanatics the punishment for sin is death, the wrath of their teachings is to destroy families and nations.

In a world built upon the words Truth and Love we have a different goal and object to use as a tool for discipline. For blatent criminals we still have our prisons and for those that have done wrong we have other options and to the innocent we have exoneration programs (something new that we don't have today). How many times has a person been forced to lie about another person? How many times has a person been falsely accused to be found out later that they certainly were wrongly accused?

How do we make right the wrongs against the innocent?


The key to resolution of problems in our society, have you ever met a truthful person? Count yourself very lucky if you have found one or two in your life, why so few?

The root of the problem can be found in the teachings of lies for profit and the foundation of the lies hold the walls to structures that we call churches. The text of the Bible begins with the story of sin and the punishment is death and that punishment is the beginning of all hatred and is certainly not Love.

The story continues, one son killed by another, jealousy and death, along with banishment, the parents lost two children by the actions of one child. Where is the love? They know not forgiveness, they only know to cast out, divide or to kill, the worship is of evil, the opposite of live...

To kill is a sickness and this sickness can manifest in many ways, through improper conduct by the authorities in charge. We can identify the bullies in our society.

All we have to do is open our eyes and see the truth written and provided to expose the sin of others.

We have new tools to use, and we should use them well and wisely.