Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Love is not a word...

Love defined in my Teachings found here: http://tgwbteachings.blogspot.com/2008/02/love-is-more-than-word.html

Love is not just a word, Love is an emotion, Love is a tool that encourages people to be brought together in a sacred union, Love completes the circle of life, when one loves another they create a family, when one man and one woman come together they can be the creators of life and love, bringing into each other's life joy and hapiness an energy and a force that binds them together in support and communication with each other. Love, lives in the lives of good people working together for the good of each other and the world, Love lives in the lives of people who can communicate love to each other.

Love and life, can be destroyed by evil and the worst evil in the world lives in the Church that destroys the lives of families. The Church that does not know love and does not know the one true GOD, the Church built on a false foundation, the Church built upon lies, teaching women to hate men, tearing the fabric of society apart.

Love enslaved and controlled is not free, Love in the absence of communication is estranged and when empathy is removed, only evil remains. This love is hatred a false love.

Two extremes, the person that hates the Church will abuse those that love the Church and the person that loves the Church will abuse the person that hates the Church there is no middle ground, the only bridge to be found is Love.

True love will grow to understand that the evils in our land are created by the hatred taught by the Church and their eyes will be opened and they will see that the Evil in society is the result of bad leadership in the Church, Mosque and Temple where extremism teaches people to kill people, relationships and to lie.

A conditioned response is to run away from evil, I've learned well that the evil in my life was created by the Church and is my ex-wife.

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