Sunday, June 1, 2008

Teaching, Accountability, Preaching and Reaching

Repentance is more than an apology

To expunge or fix and correct making accountable the violators and exposing their lies we need a record of proof and people in the position of authority willing to do their job correctly. When a lie is recanted the victim should be compensated for the harm caused by the fabrication of information. That is what repentance is all about. To fix and correct the record is what expunging a record is all about.

Their is a movement that is going to try to give credence to the institutions that have lied to the public for so long expecting to control more of the wealth and distribute the blessings of man among many. Their are many other ways the a goal like this could be accomplished creating more wealth for the poor and giving to each neighbor a community like family as we increase the number of hands in the work force to reduce the burden on any one individual. Where the wealth is divided fairly; particularly where, we have made victims of poverty.

The shame of the institutions that have preached irreconcilable harm to the families for millenniums making evil good and calling justice revenge for truly revenge is an act of terrorism and a false witness or false testimony is an act of terrorism. When the truth is exposed the victim should have his record expunged and corrected to reveal the harm created or caused by the false information used upon the victim.

Truly the truth will set you or anyone free.

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