Monday, February 22, 2010

Prophetic vision of a christian

You know me by now after reading much of what I have shared so you know my GOD is a universal GOD, you know Fyathyrio best describes this form of belief, he includes the GOD of the Bible I would also include that GOD when I find the good GOD in the Bible. There is another form of GOD written into the Bible it is pure evil and contradicts the Pure and Holy GOD that I believe in. Like Asha writes, the g-d of Abraham is not a g-d that I will follow. So too I also believe that the g-d of the Bible is not the real divine entity to commune with.

My GOD was revealed to me a long time ago, then in court on 6-23-2001 I had the strangest experience. When I got to the court room and set up bringing all my documents and manuals to provide a defense for my actions that I was prepared to defend myself against, the charge of being Arrogant and Disorderly for yelling and screaming in public. Those were the charges as written on the citation. So I was prepared to explain why I was at the scene of an accident, then the Detective walked into the court room, something changed I was absent something that was always with me, like GOD and I exist together but suddenly GOD had left my being. It was the most strange feeling, I even prayed immediately I prayed to have GOD come back to me. I didn't feel the comfort that I was so used to having with me all my life. No matter what else I had ever done for 40 years I never felt so alone as the moment that the detective walked into that court room. My wife came to court with me and I turned around and looked at her, she was there but she didn't have a clue what I was experiencing. After court I tried to explain, but not only did I have to explain that opening experience, I also had to explain the vision when the Charge was suddenly changed and I was no longer there to defend against the charge of being Arrogant and Disorderly for being loud, I was now being accused of profanities. Well I was prepared to defend my self from the right to behave like a Driver holding a Commercial License, I never expected to be blamed for the profanity the other guy said and wasn't prepared to defend against such an accusation. Don't I have a right to know what I am actually being charged with so that I can defend against the charges properly? Not only that when it was my turn to provide my defense the Judge wouldn't allow me to present a defense! ??? Go figure?

The case was decided in District court completely upon the accusations of the officer and my right to a defense was completely stripped from me. ???

In the middle when the lie came out of the mouth of the detective, I had this vision, have you read about my vision from that court experience?

What I am sharing here sounds completely crazy I know...

Skip over Lives and Purecurosity and their hatred and look to my post and the information that I am sharing.

My intuition when the Detective entered into the courtroom, like a message from the universe, something happened I was aware and alarmed, why? Nobody said a word and I've been in courtrooms before, I don't like them but this was just getting prepared that day. What was it that I experienced?

Premonition like Deja'vu

Then a little later a vision, what was that vision about?

The lying detective opens the hearing with the charges against me where he reveals that I am being prosecuted for using profanity at this particular scene where I had remained to offer assistance and testimony as a witness to what had happened.

In my mind I have a vision of climbing a mountain, there by my side and around me was my family, (My wife and children) we were all in a meadow walking along the tree line going up the side of a mountain. Suddenly not one but two men they looked like shadows jumped out and grabbed me pulling me away from my family. The two men forced me to go with them they forced me to move, moving my legs for me, they held my arms or bound my hands together and moved my legs because at first I refused to be on their path, I didn't want to go, so I was forced on this path and I was thinking where is GOD? The path in the woods going down hill was dark, I was being taken from my family, and I wanted no parts of this experience. Again, I wanted to see that GOD was with me, and suddenly, in my vision the path was lighted, I could see. It was like ropes waist high the path looked like it was lined with neon white lights, it was such a cool illumination that lined the path I knew it was a sign from a loving GOD in answer to my query where is GOD? Show me that this is your will! The lights came on, and soon I was at the end of the path and thrown into a pool of muck. The murky bog was about waist deep, I was stripped and thrown into the midst of what appeared to be quick sand and I turned looking up over my left shoulder to the Heaven's I looked with one question, I raised my hands, "why me?"

Yeah' holy Moses!

What set all of this into motion?

What did I do at that incident that perpetuated all of this injustice?

Did I pray?

Did I ask GOD to use me in Great ways?

Who else made such a prayer? Jabez?

Was I listening to Christian radio and learning of the prayer of Jabez before or at the time of this incident and did I invoke the power of that prayer?

Did I pray for all of the injustice?

Is all of this my fault?

Or did I learn the real truth about the people that were close to me and how much hatred exists in our world?

Was the lying detective also a member of my same faith?

My old life ended and a new era begins.

Peace and Blessings

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