Saturday, June 14, 2008

Being Progressive

When it comes to Progressive Christianity what would a true progressive christian look like?

I was posting on the site TCPC (The Center for Progressive Christianity) it seems as the site went down and they are not able to get it back up, as though they have fallen and have choosen to control eliminate or expunge truly progressive concepts.

*There is always a choice to follow a particular path* (Soon to be edited with a link to a new post to link posts between blogs and sites)

What would be the next step in the progression of religion? If the devil is removed then the foundation of the Church crumbles and the world is set free to follow the true path to GOD.

Many would choose to silence my voice attempting to create a contradiction to the new direction and change that must happen for our world to be healed, many would seek to stop this message because they fear this truth and know that many will have to work to fix the damage that they have created instead of being in a position of superiority to have others do the dirty work that the authorities demand while paying little in compensation creating poverty and or slavery. Many people have been hurt by the lazy demanding elite who refuse to enforce laws of justice holding all levels of society accountable for accurate and fair treatment of all people and their possessions.

The government and leaders should not profit from lies!

The Church is built upon a crumbling foundation and it is very progressive to identify the problems in our society as complicated by lazy doctorine or false beliefs from both the bench and the pulpit.

We need to eliminate one and fix the other, remove the church and hold the department of justice accountable to the truth. There is only one truth and you can only believe in one truth, there are no grey areas when there is transparency working to expose all of the corruption that has existed past and present and by exposing corruption of the past and the present we can eliminate a reoccurence in the future.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Teaching, Accountability, Preaching and Reaching

Repentance is more than an apology

To expunge or fix and correct making accountable the violators and exposing their lies we need a record of proof and people in the position of authority willing to do their job correctly. When a lie is recanted the victim should be compensated for the harm caused by the fabrication of information. That is what repentance is all about. To fix and correct the record is what expunging a record is all about.

Their is a movement that is going to try to give credence to the institutions that have lied to the public for so long expecting to control more of the wealth and distribute the blessings of man among many. Their are many other ways the a goal like this could be accomplished creating more wealth for the poor and giving to each neighbor a community like family as we increase the number of hands in the work force to reduce the burden on any one individual. Where the wealth is divided fairly; particularly where, we have made victims of poverty.

The shame of the institutions that have preached irreconcilable harm to the families for millenniums making evil good and calling justice revenge for truly revenge is an act of terrorism and a false witness or false testimony is an act of terrorism. When the truth is exposed the victim should have his record expunged and corrected to reveal the harm created or caused by the false information used upon the victim.

Truly the truth will set you or anyone free.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Christianity is Profanity

Why is associating yourself with Christianity bane and imoral? Is being a Christian also being a liar? The answer to these questions are yes and yes not by the teachings of Jesus but by the teachings of the leaders that twist the true spirit of the message of Jesus and the light that is supposed to be emitted or expressed by the love that we are to share with each other.

ExCommunication is at the root of the evil that creates terror in our world, the leadership of the Temple, Church or Mosque all use the tool of Emotional abuse against the followers they silence the voices and cause physical pain and injury with out ever physically touching the victim. The abuse is transmitted and passed all around the world for profit.

Our leaders are experts at making poor people poor.

If the spirit of love lives in your heart you will work together to enrich the lives of others, together we can overcome the powers of darkness.

The spirit of light the Christ that is a kindled and kindred spirit excites your world and offers much to others while the leaders create darkness and poverty trying to put out the flame of life, killing and making war for profit abusing people of all nations, telling lies.

It is time for the real spirit of Christ to light up our world to expose the darkness that has caused so much pain and poverty.

May we all know Peace and Blessings through Love...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Are you an Ugly fish?

Recently I was sent links to pictures of some horrific looking fish, I was told that if I should encounter such a fish as one of these to please cut the line.

Well I did encounter 'Ugly fishes' or creatures as ugly as the fishes captured in the photographs and in the memory of my life. What makes a person ugly? First we have to consider their countenance I remember the child hood saying that if you keep making that face you face will stay that way, it seems to really be true that our faces will reflect the majority of our behaviors.

Mean people have ugly mean faces and liars well liars are liars and sometimes beautiful people tell ugly lies, and to me that makes beautiful people very ugly.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Indignation and Moral Convictions

Egregious behavior sets forth a path or quest for the truth and how to expose the truth when veiled by corruption and abuse.

Right and Wrong are simple concepts and yet it seems that so many wish to do wrong that the right of all individuals is denied.

To do right to be good to be morally straight begins with telling the truth.

The truth is the key to morality.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Setting time aside

With a world of vast contrasts, we all need to set aside a little time to recharge and complete tasks one or several at a time.

The world runs in circles and the power of corruption will continue to spin out of control until we have a handle on all of our accounts or expose those involved in practicing injustices upon the innocent.

Stopping Progress

So many people are attempting to bring the progression of society to move forward and into the future towards a better day to a stop. The are impeding progress setting rough roads to block and damage our property or to stop the advance of materials required to settle or bring peace into the life of an individual or a family.

So much could be done to remedy the frustrations and trauma, instead so many choose to be ignorant preventing people from moving ahead. The shame and burden falls upon those who are building blockades or making rough roads along our narrow paths.

One path was made narrow and smooth for us to follow for eternal life, until the hand of people entered and tried to control and destroy the good that was established.

Emotional and Physical suffering occur from toxins found in everyday life.

Most things are good in moderation, in excess all good things can become toxins.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Contradictions, Heretics and Blasphemy against an Omnipotent GOD?

GOD is Love,
GOD is the Universe and Everything in the Universe
GOD is Power or Energy
GOD is Mass or Matter
GOD is Omnipresent
GOD is Omnipotent
GOD is Omniscient
GOD is Alive in ALL things you and me
GOD is Pure and Holy
GOD is Constant

The Government of People built on the lies that create and power the Church have paved a path of destruction for eternity. What was bound by GOD has been destroyed by the lies and the liars have fed the destruction of the good to nourish their evil desires, laughing at the pain, for profit taking from the hard working and poor.

The meek know the suffering imposed by the elite, the oppression and suppression of the truth taking and making people as possessions. The abuse exposed is emotional restrictions removing the rights of a person and denying access to fix what is broken.

A faulty interpretation of the meanderings from the minds of those thought to be righteous proves that they are infact deliberately delving into the cover up of the truth and steering people away from GOD, the Good GOD that knows the heart of all people as exposed in the light...

What is hidden in the dark will be known in the light...

Do you really Know and Love GOD?

Is there a little of GOD in you or are you truly a child of GOD?

Do you not only know the truth do you tell the truth?

How would GOD define marriage?

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Where is Love? What part of Love holds respect?

Where is Love,

Love is where there is respect honor trust and obedience to what?

Obedience to a person or to the truth?

Do you trust a person or the true knowledge that exists in the Universe knowing GOD as a pure and holy entity in truth in you and in others that tell the truth.

How do you know if you are in the presence of a liar?
The truth will emerge as a light that exposes missing pieces dropped off in the story of the liar, the truth corroborates testimony and the lie contradicts the facts that can be proven. First we all need to learn to listen for the truth and take the time to hear what others are trying to communicate. The truth is very important you have to be paying close attention to detail.

Write it down if neccessary...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Prayer of Six directions in Five...

From the North American perspective north of the Equator we look to the east for the rise of the sun, we see our son rise and we thank the warmth from the south for the blessings of life and growth to the west we see the sun set the end of another day that gives rise to the morning light in the east and from the north we feel the cold of seasons changing from growth to hybernation and back to life the changing seasons we rejoice in the changing of the seasons. We bow our heads to the Earth looking to the center the core we break down the smallest of molecules and we can see between the very essence of that which gives life the fabric of the universe inbetween the strings the ether of the universe where GOD is found, the source of all living things the creator of life created in the universe. We look down and see the center of the Earth and the ether and continue to see past the core and into the universe to see ourselves from above looking down to see ourselves from above.

Life is a wonderful and mysterious creation that lives with in an infinite universe that has no boundaries and contains a constantly changing material that is called mass and this mass is in a constant state of flux where Galaxies are created and consumed by many forces found all around.

Life and GOD evolves as good working together and the rest shall be shed cast into all darkness forever...

Friday, March 21, 2008

How did killing or trying to kill Jesus destroy organized religion?

A pure and holy GOD does not demand the death of an innocent person or marriage for the sin of anyone.

It is only the guilt of those who wish to condemn the innocent that feel the emotional need to destroy or control others.

People who don't want the past examined try to cover up the cold dark existence of the slaves that they created, the slave masters want to remove individual freedoms and liberties from the innocent people only wishing to live.

We abort marriages and people when we show that we don't care about the emotions of others or when we don't demand integrity and accountability for the truth that is prevented from being known. We need to expose what is hidden in dark places to know the truth.

In my story I have yet to meet anyone to ask about traffic coming from the opposing direction, there must have been traffic coming from that direction or the accident would not have taken place. But if you read my story is it clear that traffic did come from the other side, that fact could be a given if you think about most intersections but it is not something that is stated and is never made clear. I guess one of the questions would then be why is that important? The fact remains that if this detail is important it is only because the street is narrow and only supports traffic in opposite directions there is no room for error on the part of the operator of a large truck with a large tailswing. What that means is that the State of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation has created a Truck Trap and the local authorities have acted egregiously accusing the Truck Driver of a crime that was never committed. This crime would then cause the Truck Driver (myself) to lose my marriage and my Church membership because I was and am telling the truth...

The Church falls and fails when the truth is no longer important to the masses or the individual. The foundation of the Church is weak when built upon half truths and working in concert with the government to convict the innocent of crimes. The sacrafice of any one single individual for a crime never committed is a sin against the individual and the global community. An injustice anywhere is a crime everywhere!

The only way to right a wrong is to expose and fix what is flawed.

The only way to fix a false foundation is to remove the blighted structure, what is flawed in each and every organized religion? What is the cause of the pollution that corrupts our world?

How much energy is wasted in building, heating, and transportation for the purpose of organized religion?

To many people are trying to be the favorite, wishing to be one up on everyone else while hurting innocent people and falsely accusing people of crimes that were never committed.

Pastor Wright had the right message with the wrong words. Instead of putting America down, he should have picked the rest of the world up. Instead of cursing America we should be Leading the rest of the World to the Blessings of GOD.
Instead of a message of destruction we should be bringing people together, instead of tearing communities apart we should be building up communities and we can not know our neighbors by separating Us from Them on Sunday Mornings.

The Church is the real stumbling block to World Peace.

The Church leadership would hate me for my message and the Scientific community would hate me for my belief in a GOD!

That puts me in the best company of ALL... What did Jesus know? Jesus knew that he was an illegitimate child, he would never be allowed to forget that simple fact. Think about how he was treated then, how many illegitimate children were allowed to survive? The crucifixion of Jesus was predestined because the people then as now hate illegitimate people. Why am I so hated, what makes me different? I'm no different that anyother hated illegitimate person. I understand favoritism and selfishness by those who claim to have a legitimate right to oppress or possess my very being, so I am free, I still have no right to exist...

With out the GOD given rights that each sanctioned individual is born with we are nothing, but I am something, I am true... I am true to myself and to others, and I am an individual part striving to be united as one half of a whole...

Striving to be heard and seen and spoken to treated with dignity and respect and to feel emotionally and physically connected. This is the dream we all desire to share the dream of mutual freedom just one part of the American dream.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

How important is the truth, is the truth a matter of life or death?

When in support of the truth and knowing that the real information and knowlege comes from places where lies are not permitted, we have to face the truth that the war was formed upon a false foundation and we have to find the truth. We have to know how to discern those that would control us with lies, we have to look into the eyes of the leaders that promote war and killing over life and safety. We have to know who is telling the truth and who is a helper, a man without an enormous chip that would assist others in service to prevent injury, a truly good guy would be a good samaritan not allowing harm to come to the innocent.

Would you vote for a war that calls for the killing of millions of people many innocent lives lost for the anger and aggression of a liar that has no respect for human life and the truth?

The clinton's mccain and the bush's all had the same beliefs in lies that were fed to them about the opposition in the middle east, they all saw the system of other governments in opposition to our own form of government and for that belief the enemy was people from other countries with different forms of government.

The truth was known by one group of people that are known to be able to discern the truth looking from both sides and not just listening to the rhetoric of the bullies trying to control society with immunity. The bullies are the real terrorists and they are embedded in all levels of government and the truth is exposing this darkness shedding light on the corruption and correcting the lies of liars.

The CHANGE that we need is the only way we can succeed in creating the truly free society the great society that can only survive on the truth, and knowing that following lies will lead us to destruction.

Barack Obama must win not only the primary but also the general election for the hope of our nation is the great white light that exposes lies and corruption for all to see.

The truth will not stop, no amount of money and not a single conspiracy or more can hold back the truth.

Bobby Dunbar has quite a story who was actually Bruce... (?)

What will you believe?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Matthew 18: 1-35

There is a Blessing in the Book of Mathew and at the same time the hand of the scribe has twisted the final verse to contradict the verse in the middle. The text contradicts the text.

Lets read Matthew 18: 1 - 35

Current Reference: Book Matthew, Chapter 18
Previous Chapter Next Chapter

Chapter 18

1 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
2 And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,
3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
5 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.
6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
7 "Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!
8 Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.
9 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.
10 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.
11 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.
12 How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray?
13 And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray.
14 Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.
15 Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.
16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.
18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
21 Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?
22 Jesus saith unto him, "I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.
23 Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king, which would take account of his servants.
24 And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, which owed him ten thousand talents.
25 But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife, and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made.
26 The servant therefore fell down, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all.
27 Then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion, and loosed him, and forgave him the debt.
28 But the same servant went out, and found one of his fellowservants, which owed him an hundred pence: and he laid hands on him, and took him by the throat, saying, Pay me that thou owest.
29 And his fellowservant fell down at his feet, and besought him, saying, Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all.
30 And he would not: but went and cast him into prison, till he should pay the debt.
31 So when his fellowservants saw what was done, they were very sorry, and came and told unto their lord all that was done.
32 Then his lord, after that he had called him, said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me:
33 Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee?
34 And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him.
35 So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.

The flaw in this text is changing a debt into a trespass, one is not the same as the other and certainly a debt is not a sin, a debt is the promise to repay a financial loan while a trespass is a deliberate act to harm another individual. A trespass is a sin while a debt is a financial burden to be repaid or forgiven. In reality we should forgive the sinner and not the sin, as described here the Lord did not forget the original debt the Lord held the man accountable for his actions. How inconsistant is this verse as though sinners should be completely exhonerated of their sins while the innocent end up getting punished for sins that they never committed?

How do we end the ways of the evil world when the whole world needs to be made new, both the world and the word so that the word speaks true?

Is it okay to sin?

Lets go back to the beginning, the words attributed to Jesus are not written by Jesus but we are given an idea of what Jesus said as written by Matthew or some other scribe that tried to re-record the writings of Matthew, and with a cleverly insserted word here or there the meaning of the text could be changed in the end.

In the beginning Jesus speaks clearly of the eternal punishment for those that cause the followers of Jesus to fall, we will all be held accountable for our actions...

In the middle there is a gift of and from GOD to those who are the victims of a crime.

In the end we see manipulation of the text to allow criminals freedom through unearthly forgiveness.

In all we see that the text is manipulated to permit crimes against the innocent and the victims are then turned into criminals, when calling for accountability and this creates more hardship and crime for other families. Here a cycle of crime begins and people don't see the error of their ways.

If the sinner repents of their sin and is then forgiven and held accountable not to sin again, then the burden of forgiving multiplies, Jesus was right not once or even seven times but seventy times seven and more if necessary, but how do you forgive a person that doesn't ask to be forgiven? You can not... You can be prepared in your heart to forgive but you can not forgive those that do not ask to be forgiven...

Where two are gathered and agree there you will find Jesus at work in the hearts and minds of those that speak the truth to each other. Where there is communication we come together and agree and there is truth and love with forgiveness. A child forgives and comes when called learning to trust and obey the directions given by those with authority doing what is right, moral and ethical. If you cause one of these to fall it would be better that a millstone be hung around your neck and you be plunged into the depths of the sea than to try and gain entry into heaven...

I see many people drowning. It is sad that they have caused such harm to the children of GOD.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Perfect performances, by People who CAN do it right.

Our world has come to a point where good is bad and bad is good, we teach our children to be perfect in their studies and then on Sunday we teach them how awful they are and how there is not one perfect person on this planet, we are all sinners. What a complete contradiction to the truth, what a hypocrisy to humanity. If we practice and struggle to do the right thing all our life, for that one day to perform we compete with in our communities on a daily basis and our performance is beyond good it is perfect and the crowd around us gathers crying foul when no foul was committed. You can review the tapes in replay, you can use recall to confirm that the performance was perfect and the judges that saw a perfect performance have to rate the performance with the highest score available there is no flaw and yet our Church leadership tries to claim that there is a flaw a sin because no one is perfect.

In olympic history there have been many perfect performances the striving to be the best of the best and yet the Churches would tear down the individual and divide the one who is perfect from their family and friends to create a blemish for after all in the eye of the Church there is none perfect otherwise you would be GOD.

No one can live with GOD so there is no GOD in the world for those that are like GOD and if you are perfect the world will make you a sinner because the Church will cast their evil curse upon your life.

The curse of the Church is found in their texts the scripture begins and ends with a curse on those who do the right thing a perfect performance and yet the Church will bring down the performer because the Church does not perform according to the Blessings that are ignored by the Church Leadership. There is no support for the perfect people by a Church that has fallen from grace.

Where will you find GOD, in a fallen Church worshipping the curses against a world where all people are sinners?

Far from the truth, GOD is the Truth and the word of GOD is Love, Jesus is the spirit that is perfect in each and everyone of us that are not sinners but perfect performers hitting each and every mark right on with the flair and grace, not failing to let our guard down and capturing each and every moment and movement.

To see is to believe...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

In Search of the Truth, exposing lies, cleansed in the light...

In the darkness of corruption, there is no light to expose the truth, the light of day is eclipsed by the lies cast far and wide like an umbrella to create a veil of evil so dark the world falls into a deep sleep as though we are in the midnight hour. That time between sundown and sunrise allows for many people to hide all sorts of things that would normally be seen in the bright light of the day. In the dark of the night you can't see what would be evident or obvious in plain sight nothing is hiding in the bright sunlight. A light of enormous intensity exposes and cleanses words of truth will only remain when revealed and shared for the world to see.

Something is not right in the world, there is a force and a farce being played out to hurt and hide and keep the truth away.

Another night, another day and the world continues to spin stuck in a rut with a government broke and hiding in shadows and caves afraid to be exposed in the light of day.

The Sun is rising and we should all be looking at what is revealed in the light that exposes all those things hidden in the dark recesses, the truth is a heart, mind and soul experience where the true heart is revealed good or bad a child of the truth or a soul cast away from eternal life.

An eternal soul exists and is available to people who know the truth, there is only one eternal soul, and if you follow the lies, that one soul of eternal: life, truth, pure, and holy, will be veiled. Anyone can gain the world and lose their eternal connection; just as anyone can find the truth and lose conection to their world.

A Blessing would be to live for the future in the present with peace, harmony and love. Understanding the past where lies ruled the day. We should be turning into the light exposing all the crimes and abuse from prejudices and violators of the rights of innocent victims and witnesses.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Making good people dumb, and deaf, isolating and hurting the innocent victims

Crimes are committed daily, and there is no accountablity because the people of the Church know that there is a whole system of economic gain developed by violating the rights of others.

The Church is part of the grand evil scheme to make good people bad.

There is no accountability in government and in the leadership of the Church, they abuse people on a regular basis and get away with their crimes.

It is time to stop criminals once and for all we need to put the spot light on the crimes of the criminals who file false reports and lie to gain convictions against the innocent, we need to work together to make the world a better place for the future generations that will come along.

Peace is a Blessing in Truth,

Peace and Blessings



Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Love is not a word...

Love defined in my Teachings found here:

Love is not just a word, Love is an emotion, Love is a tool that encourages people to be brought together in a sacred union, Love completes the circle of life, when one loves another they create a family, when one man and one woman come together they can be the creators of life and love, bringing into each other's life joy and hapiness an energy and a force that binds them together in support and communication with each other. Love, lives in the lives of good people working together for the good of each other and the world, Love lives in the lives of people who can communicate love to each other.

Love and life, can be destroyed by evil and the worst evil in the world lives in the Church that destroys the lives of families. The Church that does not know love and does not know the one true GOD, the Church built on a false foundation, the Church built upon lies, teaching women to hate men, tearing the fabric of society apart.

Love enslaved and controlled is not free, Love in the absence of communication is estranged and when empathy is removed, only evil remains. This love is hatred a false love.

Two extremes, the person that hates the Church will abuse those that love the Church and the person that loves the Church will abuse the person that hates the Church there is no middle ground, the only bridge to be found is Love.

True love will grow to understand that the evils in our land are created by the hatred taught by the Church and their eyes will be opened and they will see that the Evil in society is the result of bad leadership in the Church, Mosque and Temple where extremism teaches people to kill people, relationships and to lie.

A conditioned response is to run away from evil, I've learned well that the evil in my life was created by the Church and is my ex-wife.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

A lie is not true, A lie harms me, you and GOD to...

If the text from which you worship is flawed, then your manual will tear you and others apart, working against a good heart the terrorist is born from the false witness as the innocent are accused, convicted and committed, punished by words and deeds of generations passed. The Bible is a curse as long as it promotes hatred against the good, as long as the truth is not known. The greatest flaws in the Bible are rarely ever read and only sometimes preached when the congregation is asleep.

Anger and wrath are passed from one sarcastic generation to the next, a life of wickedness out of quick reactions and little thought, result in many disputes that could be avoided; if only love would or could rule the day. Instead false accusations and quick wits tend to promote another injustice to be perpetrated against the innocent. Another relationship bites the dust, and who will gather together to support the demise of a couple or a family? Gathered around the gossip table making quilts, the ladies study scripture with a plan of their own how a man should behave they have made their plans without communicating to the husband what he needs to do. Women attacking men, forcing them to become mind readers, a subliminal signal is not communicating and saying or sharing. A caring partner would not leave their spouse in the dark, deaf and dumb. Women and men bearing false witness tearing apart families working against the word, work and heart of GOD.

There is a reason that the Church has as many divorces in their community and maybe more than in the secular world, it is because of the evil that lives inside of the book and the walls as people gather together to divide friends and families.

Hold a mirror up to the Church and see the reflection of hatred and greed that is passed by and presented as a gift to a god of wrath and hatred. See the truth, and the lies cast before the world and the universe.

How many had to die for the lies contained between the covers of a book?

Who controls the minds of the masses?

Visit this link and learn more about religion and truth, about the war on terror and our economy and finally what will bring peace...

For only one thing brings peace and that is the truth about love. Without love a lie can be passed from one generation to the next as a truth and brother will fight brother and families will be torn apart.

Peace is a blessing of Love,
Love is Peace and is a Blessing,

Friday, February 22, 2008

The way of the world, a good man like Jesus would be the most hated...

If Jesus would come today I'm sure that he would be a great guy, and I'm also quite certain that he would be hated by many, many people.

The ideals of Jesus would be to help as many people as possible, to do the most good for all and that would promote sharing and caring for others, empathy and being involved in other people's lives. We would know how and why things are done the way they are and we would teach each other the truth.

My GOD and my Jesus would never jump to conclusions, they would weigh all of the facts and communicate, teaching love and peace.

The leaders of the Church and the world teach us to live in secret, to exclude ourselves putting distance between us and society or us and our families, the world and the Church teach hatred, in order to belong you have to believe in lies, the doors are shut as they choose to worship their evil ways.

Jesus would see this and try to expose the den of thieves as the criminals that they are. The control freaks would resist with everything to hide including the truth that they are worshipping lies.

The text of the liars is a manual to control the minds of the followers this map allows people to be deceived thinking that they should be able to keep their flawed information private and most importantly unaccounted for. Accountability equals ownership and a dream for success. Private deals with lies and reactions jumping to conclusions and making false accusations, not knowing and being in the dark, private lives hide their lies.

If you prejudge or if a decision is made by jumping to conclusion you have violated the rights of others and you are not fair and just, there is no justice when you only listen to half of the facts.

The good will always be called bad as long as we can't see the truth and know.

Jesus would be the most hated man on Earth, because the liars would fear their great loss being criminals their lives would be full of dispair. Evil people would take action against the good finding anyway possible to subvert the system. Evil people hide together, good people expose the truth.

GOD is love and GOD loves justice

GOD knows all,

Without a word GOD knows that Love is the only word that matters

Where there is love there is peace,

Where there is peace there is also joy,

Where there is peace and joy there are blessings,

If you find yourself under attack for the sake of love and helping others, then know the peace and joy of GOD in truth there is a blessing for us all in times of strife, even when your life is upside down.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ignorance, Acting like a problem doesn't exist, The failure to fix what is Broken...

What is wrong with our society is that we are complacent we do not fix what we know is flawed. We allow broken things to remain unrepaired we work around the flaws until we end up going no where. We keep running in circles digging ourselves and our government in deeper into debt or into problems that we should be able to get out of simply.

First we have to know the simple solutions we have to look and see the problems that exist and we have to think of a cure to make things better instead of worse.

Second exposing corruption will go a long way to relieving the suffering in our society and will set an example for other nations to follow suit, when the repair begins with the terrorist in our own back yards and what is the maker of terrorism? Why the Church preaching false beliefs, hatred and lies so that men and women will be aggressive towards one another and the poor.

We need to stand up to the systems that have corrupted our society all the systems both the religious and the leadership along with the judiciary.

The authorities that are in control making life miserable for the innocent.

Who is the terrorist maker?
Those that are ignorant to the truth trying to hide the lies of liars instead of confronting the false foundations of their beliefs.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

To bear or borne FALSE Witness, To Lie, To Sin

What is a lie, and who are the best liars of all?

What is the Greatest Sin?

Destruction of the community begins with the lack of support or the false foundation established in a corrupt society.

What is the primary source for corruption? What has created and given permission to giving false witness while condemning the truth when the truth is and has been told?

There are to many answers to these questions.

We can look at our judicial system and see that there are errors in how justice is applied by people who are esentially running our government.

We can look to the Church for leadership and guidance and we might not see that the Church is built on a false foundation worshipping in error and deceiving all. For the great Teacher would never condone the behaviors of the Church being responsible for making so many people poor. Spiritually and Financially the Church strips away and divides family and community with false witness and false teachings, as gossip runs rampant.

For to say that Jesus came to save, is the greatest lie of all, and the greatest sin is to lie.

The Church is bound to fall.

Listen to the words of the teacher, Jesus recognized the errors of the Temple leaders and Jesus was not impressed with the way that the Chruch or Temple gained wealth, the Church was to be a house of prayer, for all to come and pray and it has become a house of theives, the Mosques make sinners out of the members that listen to the mental leaps made to divide families and communities and the greatest lie of all is told when evil enters in.

Instead of asking which religion is right for you ask which religion is the first to raise the Devil or Satan and to give gender to their GOD dominant over others.

Answer the questions and know in your heart just how corrupt the government really is.

Know that an honest man can be accused and convicted of a crime that he never committed and know that we are not all sinners and not one of us is saved by grace if we don't follow the teachings of the teacher Jesus.

Our world could be better if we worked together, but as long as the truth can not be told, and known, the world will spiral into decay and the downward spiral begins with you and the Church that has been an uneeded crutch preventing and blocking the truth from being known.

The Bible is full of errors as the hand of man passes over the pages for profit every word between the covers needs to be checked for truth and the truth will be known when you remove Satan and Gender Bashing, The GOD of the Bible is not male or female and when you fix that you will see that the word really is Love.

GOD is Love
Jesus is Love
Love the Land and ALL that Live, hold the evil accountable for their crimes against the truth, and be free to live in love.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

An injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere!

This was on a sign to a church and here is a church with a good sign... Not that I believe in the powers of a church for good as long as the Bible contains the works of Satan and worship of the words that teach such evil to all people.

The injustice found in the Bible or any other religious text that teaches Satan as the father of lies and sin have got to be exorcised from our minds. For teaching of this nature is the root of all evil and takes away the life that we could live if we could teach others to help others and tell the truth.

We could encourage the truth and expose the lies and we could make our world a better place for all of us to get along with Love and Peace and Happiness our Joy would be great and exceeding, but alas we have these awful teachings created by the hands of people to control the masses while they greedily pick our pockets and strip our land and wealth from our society the global community has been deceived.

The greatest hoax ever played upon humanity by humans for the purpose of being above and controlling others.

Who is your GOD?

Love and Life

Punishmnt for a wrong is quite acceptable but to punish the innocent for a wrong that they didn't commit, that is a sin.

Who detrmines what is right and what is wrong, who decides what is sin? We should all know what is the difference between right and wrong, we should all be able to think out the consequences in a fair system that is built upon trust and truth.

In the teachings of the religious fanatics the punishment for sin is death, the wrath of their teachings is to destroy families and nations.

In a world built upon the words Truth and Love we have a different goal and object to use as a tool for discipline. For blatent criminals we still have our prisons and for those that have done wrong we have other options and to the innocent we have exoneration programs (something new that we don't have today). How many times has a person been forced to lie about another person? How many times has a person been falsely accused to be found out later that they certainly were wrongly accused?

How do we make right the wrongs against the innocent?


The key to resolution of problems in our society, have you ever met a truthful person? Count yourself very lucky if you have found one or two in your life, why so few?

The root of the problem can be found in the teachings of lies for profit and the foundation of the lies hold the walls to structures that we call churches. The text of the Bible begins with the story of sin and the punishment is death and that punishment is the beginning of all hatred and is certainly not Love.

The story continues, one son killed by another, jealousy and death, along with banishment, the parents lost two children by the actions of one child. Where is the love? They know not forgiveness, they only know to cast out, divide or to kill, the worship is of evil, the opposite of live...

To kill is a sickness and this sickness can manifest in many ways, through improper conduct by the authorities in charge. We can identify the bullies in our society.

All we have to do is open our eyes and see the truth written and provided to expose the sin of others.

We have new tools to use, and we should use them well and wisely.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Controlling Myth and Fear, Making Monsters

The creation of the Anti/God

Does GOD exist?

I believe in GOD in my heart I feel that there is a force that trancends the powers of mere mortal existence while at the same time required to obey all of the universal laws that govern our reality. Is there a GOD? Yes, I believe there is a GOD. Is this GOD like the GOD revealed in the Bible? No! The Bible is a collection of stories that are twisted into works that contradict the truth about Love and Helping others, the Bible is a source of lies to control money and the masses, in the Bible evil exists and is controlled by an Anti/GOD equal to the GOD of the Bible doing evil instead of doing good.

All sources of scripture that divide families and nations are not of the GOD that I know.

If GOD is pure and holy and nothing evil comes from GOD then where did all of the evil come from? Simple, you desire to be evil and then you attribute the evil to another object, reflective or projected evil is spread by evil actions and acts against the innocent as the victim is violated and more evil is permitted.

If we do not hold the actions of others up to the standard that we all consider true fact and law then we allow the evil to exist. If we write the evil into scripture like was done so many years ago you will create a circular effect where history always repeats the same actions over and over again. What happens is that one lie leads into another and no sooner do you expose one and another takes over. In order to stop the lies cold you need to stop the liars from telling their lies and the only way to do that is to expose all of the lies that were told from the beginning.

Where is the beginning of the lies?

Does Satan exist?

What is the origins of the world; and what is the origin of sin or evil?

Could you raise a good child without exposing that child to the lies of old?

Could you raise a good child?

Start by telling the truth,

Encourage the child to tell the truth,

Encourage the child to love and to grow,

Encourage the child to learn and to know,

Encourage the child to read and to write,

Encourage the child to speak and to sing,

Encourage the child to smile,

Give the gift of love and hapiness,

Be a blessing,

Reach out,

The isolation of good must come to an end,

The Church has created Sin and should be broken...

Evil people should be brought to justice...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Does GOD Love YOU?

The Bible has in it an instruction, Jesus teaches us, GOD teaches us, Moses teaches us, Job teaches us, Solomon teaches us, we can even learn from David... What are we to learn?

How to repent? How to fix our mistakes? Do you know how to say you have made a mistake and make your mistake right? Do you know how to right the wrong? In some cases you can fix your mistake by writing a public appology, in other cases you can be exposed through the writings of a witness to your own actions or testimony.

What is between you and another person is known to GOD, does GOD love you because you have followed the instructions of GOD? Have you?

Do you hurt the innocent are you feeding or adding to the hatred in our world?

Can you help others?

Can you help the poor?

Do you tell the truth?

Do you know the truth?

Do you share and care?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Business of Spam, Church and Corporate Spam, Lying and Cheating

Our community grows and we have seen that many people and institutions are in a postition to crash the global economy. Our Universe is in decay as we devour the wealth of the earth, programs are for sale, come and watch our destruction.

The Church is the main culprit and any organization that follows the path of the Church will increase the speed of our destruction, by Church I do include all religious observances by all religions, Muslim, Christian, and Judaic also; I would include those businesses that create products designed to self destruct in a few years. All of these corporations (the Church and Businesses) are contributing to the destruction of humanity.

Setting one against the other, one program against another brings about unatural competition and greed is behind the whole structure. The more money you have the more money you want and the more money you need to control. Yet the true spirit of love, desires and controls wealth but also likes to see that wealth passed along to the next generation or generations. Teaching people to be good stewards of their resources and getting the most out of all that you have, to be sharp and know how to resharpen a tool keeps the tool working for the entire life of that tool.

The word has to be true, just like the program, they need to endure, and when lies are written and promoted as truth, we will all soon know and see that the destruction of good is the result of the bad.

Who is most bad in your family?

What corporation is so greedy that the community must pay and pay and pay to enjoy the use of their product as one product of an older version is destroyed forcing everyone to buy a new version? It would be a corporation built on the foundation of the Church and Church greed, not a corporation working to help the poor of our society.

Helping the poor of our society requires community action, we all need to be engaged.

The poor and down trodden do need to be helped as much as we can, but let us not forget that their are criminals that should be shunned and cast out, these criminals should not be given all the good gifts of community. Criminals should be exposed.

Crime and Corruption cause many people to suffer in poverty, we need to address the fleecing of our society, we need to stop the greedy corporate white collar executives and pastors from taking more than their share, these politicians with their own special interests to profit from the global population must be stopped.

The wealth must be shared.

We need to help each other, We need to be telling the truth, we need to get rid of the Church of lies and liars and force Corporate programs to be available for ALL!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Ruth 1:16 She gave all of herself to Naomi and then to Boaz

In Ruth 1:16 we read that Ruth would follow Naomi and the GOD of Naomi would be the GOD of Ruth, and where Naomi slept so to would Ruth sleep.
In Ruth 1:18 Ruth states that where you die so will I die that is a powerful and committed love of one person to another, these are the scripture verses that were engraved into my wedding ring by a woman who at one time wanted to be my wife, but things would change. My wife claimed to love me, yet I knew better for if she did she would communicate with me and she would have trusted me, she was caught in a lie and with the lies of one person compounded by lies of another, my wife became a participant a woman of the world another liar to attack the innocent.

How many people end up in relationships where the spouse, the other half, the partner, they would not give to the relationship. A part was withheld, all that they had and all that they possessed was not brought into the relationship. The grounds for many people to disagree are laid or built on the selfish soil and acts of disconected and disengaged accusations. Acts of miscomunication or ignorance.

The sound of a lonely person attempting to clap hands in the air with only one hand is silence.

The sound of one hand clapping in the air alone is silence.

It takes two people to have a relationship, no relationship can be carried by only one individual, if you count on your spouse to do all the work for your relationship and critizize your spouse that abuse will soon turn into silence, there are far too many lonely people in this world seeking to be touched and heard and read.

You can be in a relationship all for yourself, and never reach out to your partner, you will find yourself in a lonely relationship without your spouse when someone else comes along to pick up what you have not nurtured.

But woe to the one who ends up with a partner that doesn't reach out to a partner, and woe to continued troubles in a world of relationships that are flawed, because of; the deceptions of selfish individuals that hide their true nature, with aspirations to control others. The selfish partner is expecting that they won't have to work with their partner, and woe to the partner that doesn't read the warning signs that a controlling individual exercising power over everyone around them to strip away from the partner all that was expected, all that was going to be and all that could have been. Woe to the partner that is a dream taker, manipulator and a liar. Woe to the thiefs of morality, and woe to those that take away the future for the generations to come.

When Ruth laid down at the feet of Boaz she signaled to Boaz that she has chosen him of all the men in that community Ruth wanted to be his, wife and Ruth was willing to obey Naomi and Boaz was in deed kind to Ruth and in deed had a kind heart. Ruth then gave to Boaz all that was hers, she gave to Boaz everything, and Boaz wanted all that she had, all that she was, and expected to live with Ruth together, two as one family. What is not known about Boaz?

Give to me your Love
Your heart
And all that you are,

Give to me your children,
Your possessions


I will give to you,
My Love,
My heart
And all that I am,

I will give to you my children,
All of my possessions,

If you obey my GOD,
You will know,
We will grow,

We will share,
The world will know that we care.

The convictions of the hardened heart make the beauty of my writings dull and harsh, but the Love that I seek will know my true nature and the truth that I write, as I share with ALL, All that I am, just a man, looking for tRuTh...

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Breakfast nourishing the Son, raising the Morning Light

To be a child of GOD to be honest and to feel the warmth of Love abound all around, to be inspired and excited to wake up in the Morning ready to greet the day and take on any challenges that could come your way, to Love the Morning Star the first born son and all of his gifts, to walk beside the one you love supporting and encouraging him to be all that he could be, to Love the Morning Son to have peace and harmony all through the night to Love 24/7 to live in Heaven. To see GOD walk among us as we are Angels of the word the truth that we share is the Love that we offer as we reach out to lift up those that reach out and lift us up.

Love is when Love comes to fulfill your dreams and complete your purpose, beginning with Breakfast the meal that gets you energized and keeps you alert ready for anything. Breakfast helps keep a mind sharp and good thoughts help the mind to stay in control.

A smile is emotional nourishment just as food is physical energy, helping others builds up the community and telling the truth will set you free.

Put down your weapons, and be like the Carpenter who picked up his hammer and saw, help fix what is broken around you.

Learn a trade and earn your keep.

Read and write and tell the truth, many of us do.

Learn to know and love the truth,

Peace and Blessings,

