Sunday, January 27, 2008

Controlling Myth and Fear, Making Monsters

The creation of the Anti/God

Does GOD exist?

I believe in GOD in my heart I feel that there is a force that trancends the powers of mere mortal existence while at the same time required to obey all of the universal laws that govern our reality. Is there a GOD? Yes, I believe there is a GOD. Is this GOD like the GOD revealed in the Bible? No! The Bible is a collection of stories that are twisted into works that contradict the truth about Love and Helping others, the Bible is a source of lies to control money and the masses, in the Bible evil exists and is controlled by an Anti/GOD equal to the GOD of the Bible doing evil instead of doing good.

All sources of scripture that divide families and nations are not of the GOD that I know.

If GOD is pure and holy and nothing evil comes from GOD then where did all of the evil come from? Simple, you desire to be evil and then you attribute the evil to another object, reflective or projected evil is spread by evil actions and acts against the innocent as the victim is violated and more evil is permitted.

If we do not hold the actions of others up to the standard that we all consider true fact and law then we allow the evil to exist. If we write the evil into scripture like was done so many years ago you will create a circular effect where history always repeats the same actions over and over again. What happens is that one lie leads into another and no sooner do you expose one and another takes over. In order to stop the lies cold you need to stop the liars from telling their lies and the only way to do that is to expose all of the lies that were told from the beginning.

Where is the beginning of the lies?

Does Satan exist?

What is the origins of the world; and what is the origin of sin or evil?

Could you raise a good child without exposing that child to the lies of old?

Could you raise a good child?

Start by telling the truth,

Encourage the child to tell the truth,

Encourage the child to love and to grow,

Encourage the child to learn and to know,

Encourage the child to read and to write,

Encourage the child to speak and to sing,

Encourage the child to smile,

Give the gift of love and hapiness,

Be a blessing,

Reach out,

The isolation of good must come to an end,

The Church has created Sin and should be broken...

Evil people should be brought to justice...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Does GOD Love YOU?

The Bible has in it an instruction, Jesus teaches us, GOD teaches us, Moses teaches us, Job teaches us, Solomon teaches us, we can even learn from David... What are we to learn?

How to repent? How to fix our mistakes? Do you know how to say you have made a mistake and make your mistake right? Do you know how to right the wrong? In some cases you can fix your mistake by writing a public appology, in other cases you can be exposed through the writings of a witness to your own actions or testimony.

What is between you and another person is known to GOD, does GOD love you because you have followed the instructions of GOD? Have you?

Do you hurt the innocent are you feeding or adding to the hatred in our world?

Can you help others?

Can you help the poor?

Do you tell the truth?

Do you know the truth?

Do you share and care?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Business of Spam, Church and Corporate Spam, Lying and Cheating

Our community grows and we have seen that many people and institutions are in a postition to crash the global economy. Our Universe is in decay as we devour the wealth of the earth, programs are for sale, come and watch our destruction.

The Church is the main culprit and any organization that follows the path of the Church will increase the speed of our destruction, by Church I do include all religious observances by all religions, Muslim, Christian, and Judaic also; I would include those businesses that create products designed to self destruct in a few years. All of these corporations (the Church and Businesses) are contributing to the destruction of humanity.

Setting one against the other, one program against another brings about unatural competition and greed is behind the whole structure. The more money you have the more money you want and the more money you need to control. Yet the true spirit of love, desires and controls wealth but also likes to see that wealth passed along to the next generation or generations. Teaching people to be good stewards of their resources and getting the most out of all that you have, to be sharp and know how to resharpen a tool keeps the tool working for the entire life of that tool.

The word has to be true, just like the program, they need to endure, and when lies are written and promoted as truth, we will all soon know and see that the destruction of good is the result of the bad.

Who is most bad in your family?

What corporation is so greedy that the community must pay and pay and pay to enjoy the use of their product as one product of an older version is destroyed forcing everyone to buy a new version? It would be a corporation built on the foundation of the Church and Church greed, not a corporation working to help the poor of our society.

Helping the poor of our society requires community action, we all need to be engaged.

The poor and down trodden do need to be helped as much as we can, but let us not forget that their are criminals that should be shunned and cast out, these criminals should not be given all the good gifts of community. Criminals should be exposed.

Crime and Corruption cause many people to suffer in poverty, we need to address the fleecing of our society, we need to stop the greedy corporate white collar executives and pastors from taking more than their share, these politicians with their own special interests to profit from the global population must be stopped.

The wealth must be shared.

We need to help each other, We need to be telling the truth, we need to get rid of the Church of lies and liars and force Corporate programs to be available for ALL!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Ruth 1:16 She gave all of herself to Naomi and then to Boaz

In Ruth 1:16 we read that Ruth would follow Naomi and the GOD of Naomi would be the GOD of Ruth, and where Naomi slept so to would Ruth sleep.
In Ruth 1:18 Ruth states that where you die so will I die that is a powerful and committed love of one person to another, these are the scripture verses that were engraved into my wedding ring by a woman who at one time wanted to be my wife, but things would change. My wife claimed to love me, yet I knew better for if she did she would communicate with me and she would have trusted me, she was caught in a lie and with the lies of one person compounded by lies of another, my wife became a participant a woman of the world another liar to attack the innocent.

How many people end up in relationships where the spouse, the other half, the partner, they would not give to the relationship. A part was withheld, all that they had and all that they possessed was not brought into the relationship. The grounds for many people to disagree are laid or built on the selfish soil and acts of disconected and disengaged accusations. Acts of miscomunication or ignorance.

The sound of a lonely person attempting to clap hands in the air with only one hand is silence.

The sound of one hand clapping in the air alone is silence.

It takes two people to have a relationship, no relationship can be carried by only one individual, if you count on your spouse to do all the work for your relationship and critizize your spouse that abuse will soon turn into silence, there are far too many lonely people in this world seeking to be touched and heard and read.

You can be in a relationship all for yourself, and never reach out to your partner, you will find yourself in a lonely relationship without your spouse when someone else comes along to pick up what you have not nurtured.

But woe to the one who ends up with a partner that doesn't reach out to a partner, and woe to continued troubles in a world of relationships that are flawed, because of; the deceptions of selfish individuals that hide their true nature, with aspirations to control others. The selfish partner is expecting that they won't have to work with their partner, and woe to the partner that doesn't read the warning signs that a controlling individual exercising power over everyone around them to strip away from the partner all that was expected, all that was going to be and all that could have been. Woe to the partner that is a dream taker, manipulator and a liar. Woe to the thiefs of morality, and woe to those that take away the future for the generations to come.

When Ruth laid down at the feet of Boaz she signaled to Boaz that she has chosen him of all the men in that community Ruth wanted to be his, wife and Ruth was willing to obey Naomi and Boaz was in deed kind to Ruth and in deed had a kind heart. Ruth then gave to Boaz all that was hers, she gave to Boaz everything, and Boaz wanted all that she had, all that she was, and expected to live with Ruth together, two as one family. What is not known about Boaz?

Give to me your Love
Your heart
And all that you are,

Give to me your children,
Your possessions


I will give to you,
My Love,
My heart
And all that I am,

I will give to you my children,
All of my possessions,

If you obey my GOD,
You will know,
We will grow,

We will share,
The world will know that we care.

The convictions of the hardened heart make the beauty of my writings dull and harsh, but the Love that I seek will know my true nature and the truth that I write, as I share with ALL, All that I am, just a man, looking for tRuTh...

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Breakfast nourishing the Son, raising the Morning Light

To be a child of GOD to be honest and to feel the warmth of Love abound all around, to be inspired and excited to wake up in the Morning ready to greet the day and take on any challenges that could come your way, to Love the Morning Star the first born son and all of his gifts, to walk beside the one you love supporting and encouraging him to be all that he could be, to Love the Morning Son to have peace and harmony all through the night to Love 24/7 to live in Heaven. To see GOD walk among us as we are Angels of the word the truth that we share is the Love that we offer as we reach out to lift up those that reach out and lift us up.

Love is when Love comes to fulfill your dreams and complete your purpose, beginning with Breakfast the meal that gets you energized and keeps you alert ready for anything. Breakfast helps keep a mind sharp and good thoughts help the mind to stay in control.

A smile is emotional nourishment just as food is physical energy, helping others builds up the community and telling the truth will set you free.

Put down your weapons, and be like the Carpenter who picked up his hammer and saw, help fix what is broken around you.

Learn a trade and earn your keep.

Read and write and tell the truth, many of us do.

Learn to know and love the truth,

Peace and Blessings,

