Saturday, January 5, 2008

Breakfast nourishing the Son, raising the Morning Light

To be a child of GOD to be honest and to feel the warmth of Love abound all around, to be inspired and excited to wake up in the Morning ready to greet the day and take on any challenges that could come your way, to Love the Morning Star the first born son and all of his gifts, to walk beside the one you love supporting and encouraging him to be all that he could be, to Love the Morning Son to have peace and harmony all through the night to Love 24/7 to live in Heaven. To see GOD walk among us as we are Angels of the word the truth that we share is the Love that we offer as we reach out to lift up those that reach out and lift us up.

Love is when Love comes to fulfill your dreams and complete your purpose, beginning with Breakfast the meal that gets you energized and keeps you alert ready for anything. Breakfast helps keep a mind sharp and good thoughts help the mind to stay in control.

A smile is emotional nourishment just as food is physical energy, helping others builds up the community and telling the truth will set you free.

Put down your weapons, and be like the Carpenter who picked up his hammer and saw, help fix what is broken around you.

Learn a trade and earn your keep.

Read and write and tell the truth, many of us do.

Learn to know and love the truth,

Peace and Blessings,



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