Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Business of Spam, Church and Corporate Spam, Lying and Cheating

Our community grows and we have seen that many people and institutions are in a postition to crash the global economy. Our Universe is in decay as we devour the wealth of the earth, programs are for sale, come and watch our destruction.

The Church is the main culprit and any organization that follows the path of the Church will increase the speed of our destruction, by Church I do include all religious observances by all religions, Muslim, Christian, and Judaic also; I would include those businesses that create products designed to self destruct in a few years. All of these corporations (the Church and Businesses) are contributing to the destruction of humanity.

Setting one against the other, one program against another brings about unatural competition and greed is behind the whole structure. The more money you have the more money you want and the more money you need to control. Yet the true spirit of love, desires and controls wealth but also likes to see that wealth passed along to the next generation or generations. Teaching people to be good stewards of their resources and getting the most out of all that you have, to be sharp and know how to resharpen a tool keeps the tool working for the entire life of that tool.

The word has to be true, just like the program, they need to endure, and when lies are written and promoted as truth, we will all soon know and see that the destruction of good is the result of the bad.

Who is most bad in your family?

What corporation is so greedy that the community must pay and pay and pay to enjoy the use of their product as one product of an older version is destroyed forcing everyone to buy a new version? It would be a corporation built on the foundation of the Church and Church greed, not a corporation working to help the poor of our society.

Helping the poor of our society requires community action, we all need to be engaged.

The poor and down trodden do need to be helped as much as we can, but let us not forget that their are criminals that should be shunned and cast out, these criminals should not be given all the good gifts of community. Criminals should be exposed.

Crime and Corruption cause many people to suffer in poverty, we need to address the fleecing of our society, we need to stop the greedy corporate white collar executives and pastors from taking more than their share, these politicians with their own special interests to profit from the global population must be stopped.

The wealth must be shared.

We need to help each other, We need to be telling the truth, we need to get rid of the Church of lies and liars and force Corporate programs to be available for ALL!!!

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