Sunday, January 27, 2008

Controlling Myth and Fear, Making Monsters

The creation of the Anti/God

Does GOD exist?

I believe in GOD in my heart I feel that there is a force that trancends the powers of mere mortal existence while at the same time required to obey all of the universal laws that govern our reality. Is there a GOD? Yes, I believe there is a GOD. Is this GOD like the GOD revealed in the Bible? No! The Bible is a collection of stories that are twisted into works that contradict the truth about Love and Helping others, the Bible is a source of lies to control money and the masses, in the Bible evil exists and is controlled by an Anti/GOD equal to the GOD of the Bible doing evil instead of doing good.

All sources of scripture that divide families and nations are not of the GOD that I know.

If GOD is pure and holy and nothing evil comes from GOD then where did all of the evil come from? Simple, you desire to be evil and then you attribute the evil to another object, reflective or projected evil is spread by evil actions and acts against the innocent as the victim is violated and more evil is permitted.

If we do not hold the actions of others up to the standard that we all consider true fact and law then we allow the evil to exist. If we write the evil into scripture like was done so many years ago you will create a circular effect where history always repeats the same actions over and over again. What happens is that one lie leads into another and no sooner do you expose one and another takes over. In order to stop the lies cold you need to stop the liars from telling their lies and the only way to do that is to expose all of the lies that were told from the beginning.

Where is the beginning of the lies?

Does Satan exist?

What is the origins of the world; and what is the origin of sin or evil?

Could you raise a good child without exposing that child to the lies of old?

Could you raise a good child?

Start by telling the truth,

Encourage the child to tell the truth,

Encourage the child to love and to grow,

Encourage the child to learn and to know,

Encourage the child to read and to write,

Encourage the child to speak and to sing,

Encourage the child to smile,

Give the gift of love and hapiness,

Be a blessing,

Reach out,

The isolation of good must come to an end,

The Church has created Sin and should be broken...

Evil people should be brought to justice...

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