Sunday, December 30, 2007

Errors and Contradictions in the written text...

If you don't follow the flaws, how could you ever understand the right path to be on, you would stand upon two broken pillars, the contradictions will cause you to fall.

And so the walls of the Church are about to crash as the roof rafters are no longer to be supported on crumbling walls built on false foundations.

Would GOD support a contradiction?

Would a person lie to gain wealth?
Would a person lie to abuse another person?
Would a person lie to cover up a sin committed?

The tRuTh will set you free, but the lies will be seen for the contradictions that they are and how they fail to be supported against the test of tRuTh. What is the test of tRuTh? Love is tRuTh and tRuTh displays Love. All things are obediant to the tRuTh of True Love.

Love does not destroy, so let's look for some contradictions that prove people are trying to control other people.

Consider first these two principles,

1. I don't believe in Satan, or the works of the Devil, I believe that people should be accountable for their own actions.

2. Destruction is equal to killing and the lies that reveal contradictions do destroy others and both the lies and the destruction of others are sins that must be avoided. This does not mean that discipline is forbidden, it means that innnocent people should not be punished or destroyed. Guilty abusers, bullies certainly should be held accountable for their behavior and reparations should be made these criminals should repay and pay for the damage that they committed.

Mathew 20:28 Just as the son of man did not come to serve but to serve, (And that is where the passage should end instead this is added,) and to give his life as a ransom for many... How do I know that this is added text? look at the sentence structure, think about the message, that through the Death of Jesus many will be saved, and yet there are many passages and parables that speak of how we are to repent for our sins. This little addition nullifies the previous teachings. This is a complete contradiction to the heart of justice and love of GOD.

You be the judge, do I write the tRuTh or did the person that inserted text into the book of Mathew write the tRuTh? Certainly Jesus knew that he was to be punished by the leaders the pharisees and scribes would see that the government would apply the most harsh form of punishment for his speaking out against all of them, Jesus was not dumb.

The idea is that we are to be like Jesus in knowing and speaking the tRuTh, to share our love with others, this means we tell the tRuTh and help others.

Sent from my heart,
With Kindest Regards

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