Saturday, February 2, 2008

An injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere!

This was on a sign to a church and here is a church with a good sign... Not that I believe in the powers of a church for good as long as the Bible contains the works of Satan and worship of the words that teach such evil to all people.

The injustice found in the Bible or any other religious text that teaches Satan as the father of lies and sin have got to be exorcised from our minds. For teaching of this nature is the root of all evil and takes away the life that we could live if we could teach others to help others and tell the truth.

We could encourage the truth and expose the lies and we could make our world a better place for all of us to get along with Love and Peace and Happiness our Joy would be great and exceeding, but alas we have these awful teachings created by the hands of people to control the masses while they greedily pick our pockets and strip our land and wealth from our society the global community has been deceived.

The greatest hoax ever played upon humanity by humans for the purpose of being above and controlling others.

Who is your GOD?

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