Sunday, February 10, 2008

To bear or borne FALSE Witness, To Lie, To Sin

What is a lie, and who are the best liars of all?

What is the Greatest Sin?

Destruction of the community begins with the lack of support or the false foundation established in a corrupt society.

What is the primary source for corruption? What has created and given permission to giving false witness while condemning the truth when the truth is and has been told?

There are to many answers to these questions.

We can look at our judicial system and see that there are errors in how justice is applied by people who are esentially running our government.

We can look to the Church for leadership and guidance and we might not see that the Church is built on a false foundation worshipping in error and deceiving all. For the great Teacher would never condone the behaviors of the Church being responsible for making so many people poor. Spiritually and Financially the Church strips away and divides family and community with false witness and false teachings, as gossip runs rampant.

For to say that Jesus came to save, is the greatest lie of all, and the greatest sin is to lie.

The Church is bound to fall.

Listen to the words of the teacher, Jesus recognized the errors of the Temple leaders and Jesus was not impressed with the way that the Chruch or Temple gained wealth, the Church was to be a house of prayer, for all to come and pray and it has become a house of theives, the Mosques make sinners out of the members that listen to the mental leaps made to divide families and communities and the greatest lie of all is told when evil enters in.

Instead of asking which religion is right for you ask which religion is the first to raise the Devil or Satan and to give gender to their GOD dominant over others.

Answer the questions and know in your heart just how corrupt the government really is.

Know that an honest man can be accused and convicted of a crime that he never committed and know that we are not all sinners and not one of us is saved by grace if we don't follow the teachings of the teacher Jesus.

Our world could be better if we worked together, but as long as the truth can not be told, and known, the world will spiral into decay and the downward spiral begins with you and the Church that has been an uneeded crutch preventing and blocking the truth from being known.

The Bible is full of errors as the hand of man passes over the pages for profit every word between the covers needs to be checked for truth and the truth will be known when you remove Satan and Gender Bashing, The GOD of the Bible is not male or female and when you fix that you will see that the word really is Love.

GOD is Love
Jesus is Love
Love the Land and ALL that Live, hold the evil accountable for their crimes against the truth, and be free to live in love.

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