Friday, February 22, 2008

The way of the world, a good man like Jesus would be the most hated...

If Jesus would come today I'm sure that he would be a great guy, and I'm also quite certain that he would be hated by many, many people.

The ideals of Jesus would be to help as many people as possible, to do the most good for all and that would promote sharing and caring for others, empathy and being involved in other people's lives. We would know how and why things are done the way they are and we would teach each other the truth.

My GOD and my Jesus would never jump to conclusions, they would weigh all of the facts and communicate, teaching love and peace.

The leaders of the Church and the world teach us to live in secret, to exclude ourselves putting distance between us and society or us and our families, the world and the Church teach hatred, in order to belong you have to believe in lies, the doors are shut as they choose to worship their evil ways.

Jesus would see this and try to expose the den of thieves as the criminals that they are. The control freaks would resist with everything to hide including the truth that they are worshipping lies.

The text of the liars is a manual to control the minds of the followers this map allows people to be deceived thinking that they should be able to keep their flawed information private and most importantly unaccounted for. Accountability equals ownership and a dream for success. Private deals with lies and reactions jumping to conclusions and making false accusations, not knowing and being in the dark, private lives hide their lies.

If you prejudge or if a decision is made by jumping to conclusion you have violated the rights of others and you are not fair and just, there is no justice when you only listen to half of the facts.

The good will always be called bad as long as we can't see the truth and know.

Jesus would be the most hated man on Earth, because the liars would fear their great loss being criminals their lives would be full of dispair. Evil people would take action against the good finding anyway possible to subvert the system. Evil people hide together, good people expose the truth.

GOD is love and GOD loves justice

GOD knows all,

Without a word GOD knows that Love is the only word that matters

Where there is love there is peace,

Where there is peace there is also joy,

Where there is peace and joy there are blessings,

If you find yourself under attack for the sake of love and helping others, then know the peace and joy of GOD in truth there is a blessing for us all in times of strife, even when your life is upside down.

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