Sunday, February 24, 2008

A lie is not true, A lie harms me, you and GOD to...

If the text from which you worship is flawed, then your manual will tear you and others apart, working against a good heart the terrorist is born from the false witness as the innocent are accused, convicted and committed, punished by words and deeds of generations passed. The Bible is a curse as long as it promotes hatred against the good, as long as the truth is not known. The greatest flaws in the Bible are rarely ever read and only sometimes preached when the congregation is asleep.

Anger and wrath are passed from one sarcastic generation to the next, a life of wickedness out of quick reactions and little thought, result in many disputes that could be avoided; if only love would or could rule the day. Instead false accusations and quick wits tend to promote another injustice to be perpetrated against the innocent. Another relationship bites the dust, and who will gather together to support the demise of a couple or a family? Gathered around the gossip table making quilts, the ladies study scripture with a plan of their own how a man should behave they have made their plans without communicating to the husband what he needs to do. Women attacking men, forcing them to become mind readers, a subliminal signal is not communicating and saying or sharing. A caring partner would not leave their spouse in the dark, deaf and dumb. Women and men bearing false witness tearing apart families working against the word, work and heart of GOD.

There is a reason that the Church has as many divorces in their community and maybe more than in the secular world, it is because of the evil that lives inside of the book and the walls as people gather together to divide friends and families.

Hold a mirror up to the Church and see the reflection of hatred and greed that is passed by and presented as a gift to a god of wrath and hatred. See the truth, and the lies cast before the world and the universe.

How many had to die for the lies contained between the covers of a book?

Who controls the minds of the masses?

Visit this link and learn more about religion and truth, about the war on terror and our economy and finally what will bring peace...

For only one thing brings peace and that is the truth about love. Without love a lie can be passed from one generation to the next as a truth and brother will fight brother and families will be torn apart.

Peace is a blessing of Love,
Love is Peace and is a Blessing,

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