Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Curse of the Church

The Church created by the hands of man along with the book of curses that allows sinners to sin acting as though they have favor with the creator by grace for eternity through the sins of the cross as though salvation comes to us through the death and heroics of other individuals.

The lack of repentance proves that the people worshipping blindly are not part of the family, they are sleeping, silent, dead to the word and to the world. They have convinced themselves that they have found a way to heaven and they are allowing the methods of sin to destroy other people's lives.

Members of the cults that are so extreme to act out or to sit back and blindly allow death and destruction to pour into another mans house are certainly not saved, these extremists will be cast far away from the heart of GOD for eternity.

You see GOD will know who is truly a member of the family of Good, pure and holy will be the works and intentions as the family of GOD helps each other lifting them up and supporting them, sharing and showing that they care for each other and their neighbors. A good man and a good woman will be completed as one the holes in their souls will be filled and they will become whole.

The spell of evil and the curse can be broken with Love, with Love you can turn back the hands of time, while the evil people of the world work their evil around you as legion telling lies and believing in nothing true, they with the power to forgive will never apologize they will not repent and they will not make reparations. Never an attempt to correct or fix what they have broken, with deceit, and derision they attack a good person and the worst of these are the leaders of Churches and the Elite members and followers of the illigitimate ways of evil espoused by men and women forcing their lies and crimes on others. The members of the congregation include all the members of the service the Staff, Choir and those in attendance they all become culpable for the lies shared and covered up.

Death and destruction is never the answer for peace, violence creates more fear and violence.

How can anyone who calls themselves members of the family of the created the family of GOD be involved in allowing death and destruction anywhere in the world?

Why can't we put a stop to the insanity and chaos?

We have insane ideas that we can control other people killing those that don't agree with our beliefs, this is the curse of the Church of all organized religions. They are blind to themselves. They can't see what they do to others by lying and hurting them emotionally.

The curse is the absence of Love, committment and sharing it is a lack of caring, casting others out and not including them into the arms of Love and Life.

By isolating the extrovert you have isolated your GOD and cast out GOD into the darkness never to be known, your eternal soul will pay the price for as you live so will you die. As you have cast out with lies so will you be cast out forever, the curse is real and while you might have great joy and wealth on Earth you'll have nothing in heaven there is no heaven for you who do not love the truth and are not willing to share and care about the pain of others. The path to heaven is a narrow one many will not be able to walk this path by their own choosing they will not see how they have hurt others as I've been hurt. I know the pain and suffering of being excluded kept in the dark having to figure out missing details, I know how hard it can be to read another person's mind, I know how it takes one hand in another with that special touch or squeeze to give a boost of confidence that everything will be alright and safe in the arms of one that you trust and love. For with out this ability to comfort and feel safe you know that you have no Love, you have been lied to, you are not trusted, your relationship will not last and endure for eternity.

The curse of the church bound and delivered to the ground,
The curse of the church cracks the foundation of society
The curse of the church falters the walls sway the roof falls
The curse of the church found in the lies told and covered up
The curse of the church abundant in their scripture,
The curse of the church lies in interpretations,
The curse of the church a scourge on society

How do we fix our world?

What is the next step in the evolution of religion?

Do you worship the devil and satan? Do you believe in a firey hell to torture the sinners and that all have sinned and deserve to go to hell? Do you believe in the curses of the church?

What is pure and holy?
GOD is pure and holy could evil ever entertain that which is good that which is pure and holy that which is GOD?

No Evil will be found in Heaven, this is written on my heart, is this written on your heart?

How could people have been fooled for so long, for so many years we have allowed dictators, rulers, leaders and kings to persecute us. The bullies first violate us and make us victims as we are persecuted for our peaceful beliefs and then we get violated again by those that teach us to be peaceful. The contradiction of being good and being punished for being good confounds the mind, it confusses people and they begin to act out. Only Love can heal the wounded spirit, the heart torn apart can be made whole and the hole in the middle can be filled with love, love from above when two are one.

Peace and Blessings,



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