Saturday, December 1, 2007

So you think you're a Christian?

Who needs to preach to the choir?
We all need to preach to the choir if the choir fell asleep and didn't listen to the teaching and preaching from the truth that exists in the book that they proclaim in song and worhip blindly sleeping right along.

If you're not outraged at a judge and judicial misconduct telling the innocent that they are not Christians and that the honest people are liars then the choir has to be sleeping.

David and Golaith two thugs two bullies to murders. Five stones one head removed what a wonderful hero to be King.

And the choir is ready to sing. Praises to the King. David and his kin, dying on the cross, crucified.

Peace be with you for as long as Isreal remains the bully there will be no peace in the Middle East.

Who is your neighbor?
The good samaritan is a story to show the way to help others instead of sleeping in the choir we are to be actively helping those who are struck down, fallen in the ditch, robbed, wounded, and yet the Choir sleeps, did they not hear?

The Choir will sing praises to GOD for eternity, but while here on Earth they are to be the Samaritans helping the victims and preventing the victims from getting violated again. There will be plenty of time to sing for eternity and yet the choir sleeps. Where is the outrage?

The truth was not told, the egregious behavior of the lying detective takes every Church to the ground and every member becomes the complacent criminal when there is no outrage at the lies of the liar and liars. GOD's grace will not extend to those that worship in vain a false belief sitting in pews sleeping with the choir. Singing with voices muted by the lies GOD will not hear your songs and prayers when you prove you don't care, the family of GOD is taught to share.

Waking up the choir to expose the sins they've participated in as they allowed another lie to exists in church and in the system of the law, the judge got away with it again, the lying detective put another notch in his portfolio and another family is torn apart and the choir sits by waiting to sing, watching with out a care, where is the outrage?

The foundation of the church and families are torn apart by the lies of the liars and the choir sleeps.

GOD I pray,
Your word is written on my heart,
GOD I wish every person to find you in their heart,
GOD the source of ALL life,
Create in us a desire to do what is right,
GOD find us in you,
Soften the hearts of the Choir
Write the outrage
Let the Choir sing and right the wrong
Scream out in song
Wake up the Choir, Light up the Night
Fix our world
Make the wrong, right...

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