Monday, December 24, 2007

Do you believe in the magic, myths, and fantasies, the lies of society?

Do you believe in reality and the tRuTh?

Do you believe in Satan above, over and beyond GOD?

The teachings of lies in preaching and song reinforce the flaws in our society, if we allow others to believe in false premises built on flawed foundations such as the birth of Jesus the Christ or his death for salvation. If we fail to employ the teachings for forgiveness we have nothing in life and love our existence is meaningless if we do not know and love the tRuTh.

Jesus the Christ taught us to Love the tRuTh to help others and to tell the tRuTh and yet many innocent people are violated by lies that could easily be exposed.

Where is your heart this Christmas evening?

Do you love GOD and the tRuTh?

Do you love the lies and deceptions?

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