Sunday, December 9, 2007

Truth vs. Deception

To Love the truth,
To know the truth,
To live the truth,
Is to live and know true love

You can trust the truth there is no deception in telling the truth there is no harm in knowing the truth.

Lying and Deception are weapons, they kill and destroy lives.

You can trust the truth and you can obey the truth, but no one will trust and obey a liar.

"I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you" - Friedrich Nietzsche

The victims of lies had created a new country and they knew the power of the age old lies that burdened their society creating these horrid conditions from which to live. How one man could lose everything that he ever worked for by the powers of a lie. There is no more deadly tool than a written lie, it drives the innocent crazy. Many people have died for a lie told and repeated and compounded. This is not new thinking, this is the way that people have always hurt each other, jealousy, greed and lies.

Excluding people and lying are all tools of power and control that freaks use to manipulate others and spouses. Slavery is the result and when lies are used people get hurt.

Let's look at what happened to me, four police officers are dispatched to my house because of lies signed on a piece of paper. These four officers have a discussion with my father who was entertaining the pastorial staff of my church in my house. I was exhausted and went upstairs to bed. The police arrived and there was a plan to prop open my front door, a door that I told my father to keep closed and locked since none of my house guests were willing to leave and I needed rest more importantly I needed several hours of sleep. My father calls me down stairs I had just gotten to sleep and now I was disturbed. I come down stairs realizing that four police officers are standing at my front door the screen door wide open and the front door propped open about an inch or two. I standing at the base of the stairs at the front door look over to my father who is standing and watching from the living room. I try to push the front door closed but the officers rush in. I don't know why the officers are there. I'm knockd to the ground with the biggest officer in the lead squeezing the inside of my left arm. I'm subdued in my own home.

This is the ways of old, old England, old control freaks. Our founding fathers were appalled at the behaviors of the officers in their day, and provided us the home owners protection from this type of abuse. This protection comes to us in the Fourth Amendment in the U.S. Constitution providing for each and everyone of us to have a safe haven in our own homes.

A confession to the lies in the report that led the police to abuse me was since given to me, but the police refuse to repair the damage done.

This was not my fathers home, I was not a child I was the home owner, I paid the bills and I deserved the respect of being a home owner and father and I was not treated with that dignigty there was no trust because of the lies, and there were many lies and I was not obeyed.

The lies cut a wound deeper than any knife could possibly reach, a gun was put to my head I was abused.

Deception comes in many forms, and betrayal violates the victims and the truth is hidden and often times far away from people who delight in seeing others harmed.

As I sat in the police car in front of my house it was no surprise to see the new pastor of the church walking by smiling. A job well done they were all in on the event. I had no friends.

And who would know the truth?

The truth was with me, and who would love me?

Here is a man looking to be loved, his relationships all gone sour because of the lies, as lies always kill the death of the marriage was inevitable when more deception would occur. Who could lie to a man that had been lied to? Who could deceive an innocent soul? The penalty for sin is death, being cast out excluded. The cure for sin is repentance and making reparations for personal violations.

You will judge your self on the final day and you know all that you have done.

We will either find true love or we will be cast out forever.

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