Saturday, December 29, 2007

It is Amazing the Grace that many believe they have been given

For GOD to forgive with out any sign from the sinner to make worthy they that are criminals, violating the innocent and persecuting victims, the bullies have created a means to twist good into bad and convict by stripping away any defense and falsely accusing others while the enemies of truth lie, betraying society a whole host of guilty people would become legion, spinning vile words out of pure testimony making evil deeds acceptable from the pulpit to the bench the Church to the Court. Justice is out of balance and our world is running head long into a downward spiral as we continue to love the lies of the liars allowing the terrorists to lead our countries into a path of corruption.

Hurting others, have you hurt another, have you seperated the good from his family? Have you been a participant in destroying our society?

If you can't read the one you love you really don't love the one who has provided the words for you to read, and yet you refuse to understand.

Here I stand...

Innocent convicted like a criminal and the liars are free to lie again.

I'm going to take this final stand, right where I am...

Here I stand...

Ready to convict the criminals that lied to defame the innocent, I'm going to try to make you understand, that here I stand...

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