Saturday, December 22, 2007

Justice is GOD's Love not revenge

GOD Loves Justice not Revenge.

What is this all about?

Simple let's define justice and revenge from the Webster's New World Dictionary and Thesaurus.


1 the quality of being righteous; rectitude
2 impartiality; fairness
3 the quality of being right or correct
4 sound reason; rightfulness; validity
5 reward or penalty as deserved; just deserts
6 (a) the use of authority and power to uphold what is right, just, or lawful
(b) [J-] the personification of this, usually a blindfolded goddess holding scales and a sword
7 the administration of law; procedure of a law court

bring to justice to cause (a wrongdoer) to be tried in court and duly punished.

do justice to
1 to treat fitly or fairly
2 to treat with due appreciation; enjoy properly

do oneself justice
1 to do something in a manner worthy of one‘s ability
2 to be fair to oneself

Now lets look at the definition of the word Revenge


1 to inflict damage, injury, or punishment in return for (an injury, insult, etc.); retaliate for
2 to take vengeance in behalf of (a person, oneself, etc.); avenge

[Obs.] to take vengeance

1 the act of revenging; vengeance
2 what is done in revenging
3 desire to take vengeance; vindictive spirit
4 a chance to retaliate or get satisfaction, as by a return match after a defeat

be revenged to get revenge


These two words are quite different, and should not be interchanged in defining a person's intent and motive to do one as to seek justice is not about being vindictive in an attempt to exact justice many people have been and continue to be accused of seeking revenge and that is the way another victim can be violated by society and social systems.

To exact justice has nothing to do with revenge it is simply to allow the truth to be exposed and to set right the wrongs that are created by impure thoughts and deeds. If a lie is told and a false report is filed and this is supported in court the victim could easily be violated and this violation can extend beyond the boundaries of just the court. All of the associations of the victim could be affected from: friends, to family, from theological structures, to work. Every aspect of a person's life can be affected by the simple lie; supported, nourished or fed one little lie will becomes egregious through consequences associated by others and gossip.

The tRuTh will always stand on a firm foundation.

To reveal the truth you have to expose the lies, liars or bullies.

Justice is not Revenge,

GOD is Just

Set out to Help others Love
The truth should never be twisted
True Love is always true

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