Saturday, December 15, 2007

Living in a State of Corruption

A man set out for work, in his world work would break his ties to family and friends. Relationships would be destroyed as a theif would steal and wound the victim of the crime.

The victim seeking help to resolve the injustice would be questioned, "So you think you are a Christian?" The real Christians would be exposed, for those that would allow the victim to be violated remain workers of the world creating a world of corruption as Jesus preached the story of the good Samaritan. How could anyone knowingly allow a corruption to exist, to leave a person lying in the gutter and to walk or pass on by allowing the harm of abuse physical or emotional to destroy that poor soul who was and is attacked?

Living in a State of Corruption is how people allow others to be controlled when there is a job to do and they don't avail all of their abilities to correct the crimes that are exposed. It doesn't matter if the crimes are committed by the guardians of the peace the social system to protect society must be working to prevent further abuse and yet we find many not working and many people are not protected from abuse by the people making and enforcing rules and laws. The very vile corruption that exists when lies are permitted and the truth is suppressed.

We need to support people telling the truth and comming forward to witness crimes against humanity whereever and when ever we find fraud and deception we need to work together to expose the crimnals and their behaviors.

Either we work together or some people will be forced to live in a State of Corruption.

Do you like Corruption existing in your State, Country or World?

It is time to push back against evil deeds and broken relationships, it is time to expose and fix that which can be fixed, it is time to set out a new, it is time to move forward, it is time, to set the past behind as corruption always destroys certain physical and emotional elements. Some relationships will never be healed as a result of the corruption suffered and endured. We have to be open to the fact that some people will always create and believe in the lies and crimes as fabricated and presented to be true. Those people believing in lies are truly lost, those people believing in immaculate conception and salvation through death are the real losers for the future will depend on people knowing the truth and stopping the corruption, as crosses created the track, the cure for the curse is to expose the lies and liars.

If not a word was spoken we could still know the truth.

And there is only one truth!

Did Jesus exist? Do you exist and did you help expose the truth?

Or are you living in a State of Corruption?

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